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  • Will Tesco still be here in 20 years?
  • TooTall
    Free Member

    Hate the place, and I hate how they are one of the biggest supermarket responsible for all the unhealthy processed food thats passed on to us consumers thats full of salt sugar and water among lots more crap.

    Have you absolved yourself of all other personal responsibility as well, or just on what you are forced to buy?

    I would like to apologise for my comment above to grantway. I have no idea why I have to be so snotty all the time.

    I don’t know either, but you are really bloody good at it. Gives me something to aspre to.

    Free Member

    I’ve done some work for Sainsburys in the past. They aspire to be Tesco. Recruiting Tesco management is seen as a major win.

    Problem is they don’t pay enough at shopfloor level, i earm more at tesco as a manager than i would at JS and they won’t even salary match anymore. All of the big supermarkets will happily poach managers from each other, there is a shortage of experienced management at the moment due to expansion none of the big 3 or 4 have enough management and keep signing off inexperienced kids to do the jobs and then watch them fail 6 months down the line. Its not great at the moment.

    Free Member

    so a good time for me to apply for jobs then lol

    Free Member

    as long as you write a good CV/cover letter you should be sorted

    Free Member

    All of the big supermarkets will happily poach managers from each other,

    I only had experience of comments relating to the HQ dwelling management. It was always “so and so is starting next month, s/he’s ex Tesco
    The Sainsburys building stock is in appalling order. The maintenance arrangements aren’t fit for task. I’d never seen anything like it before I looked at some stores.
    Tesco stores a infinitely better and 2 or 3 times more efficient.

    Free Member

    Sainsburys, or at least the 2 in Peterborough, do seem to be run into the ground. Lack of staff, empty shelves, broken freezers/fridges. It was enough that I switched from them to Tesco a couple of years back.

    Free Member

    I shop with Ocado because I hate going to the supermarket. It also means we can keep a check.on how much we’re spending on food each week. I don’t like Tesco, so don’t shop there. We also don’t have a local one. The nearest one is rubbish though.

    We used to shop at Sainsbury’s, who I still quite like. We’re lucky because our local one was extended and refitted and is much nicer than ASDA or the nearest Tesco.

    I wouldn’t want Tesco to go bust due to the impact on the economy etc. I just don’t like them so don’t go there. My memory of all the ones that we’re close to where I used to live was that they were pretty gritty compared to the equivalent Sainsbury’s.

    Full Member

    I’ve done some work for Sainsburys in the past. They aspire to be Tesco. Recruiting Tesco management is seen as a major win.

    It’s not just Sainsbury’s – the property department at Waitrose now has many ex-Tesco people.

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