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  • Wilier bike sizing.
  • michaelmcc
    Free Member

    Can anyone advise what Wilier road bike size I would be, I like the GTR. I am 5’8″. None of my local dealers sell them so I would most likely have to order one without test riding or even sitting on it. My current bike is an 8 year old size 51cm Principia (semi compact frame).

    Also how do you rate their bikes?


    Free Member

    If you measure the horizontal top tube length then this’ll give you a starting point to the size that you need.
    Wilier Triestina bikes are nice, if a bit loud or my tastes 😉

    Free Member

    if a bit loud or my tastes

    What exactly do you mean? I thought it was gear set up that made a bike loud or not.

    Free Member

    I’m 5’10 and my Cento 1 SR is 54cm (medium).
    And it’s gorgeous but I only ride it in fine weather 😳

    Free Member

    Visually loud, not audibly loud.

    Free Member

    yep, 5’10 and have a 54cm 08 Mortirolo. If anything I’d say it’s a little short for me, but I preferred it to the 56 cm at the time.

    ATB sales are normally v good about getting a demo bike in to a dealer so I’d ask.

    Something to be aware of, even my bobby basic carbon Mortirolo has incredibly tight clearances that won’t take a set of guards. The clearances are better on my Canyon CF SLX (though that’s not a winter bike).

    Free Member

    5’4 and a small Granturismo (2012)another that doesn’t see wet, or even the chance of getting wet!
    I Love it 😆


    Free Member

    Do you not ride it in the wet because it might damage the carbon frame? Or is it to prolong the life the gears? I’ve only ever had one ride bike at a time so don’t really understand by the way!
    And nice pics above!

    Free Member

    Because I have another that loves the rain, sleet and crap, doesn’t require cleaning every time it goes out,has mudguards fitted and is cheaper to replace parts on.
    Nothing to with damaging the frame, or the gears. It’s nice to not have to spend hours cleaning it,although it’s nice just being able to wipe the dust of it now and again, and the fact that it’s 3 years old and still looks new.

    Free Member

    Very nice. Anybody got any more pictures of their Wilier? ?

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