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  • 'Wild places' for wind farms
  • matt_outandabout
    Free Member

    Altnaharra has been given the go ahead, but it is interesting that despite wild land ‘protection’ and mapping by Scottish Government (and supported by many organisations and individuals, that Highland council and local communities are supportive.

    Your thoughts – I am torn and while my first response is ‘protect wild places’, I also get the local communities pragmatic response that they need income and jobs (although the money will not go far…)


    Free Member

    Was it here that someone asked us to sign the petition to protect the bmnatural landscape of rannoch moor?


    Free Member

    Is there a map of wind farms across scotland? Curious to the extent of the problem, or whether it’s just nimby-ism. I quite like the ek one! 😆

    Good place to take my bro and his new leccy bike to get him used to it! 😀 I went round it in my slicks it’s that smooth mind you! 😆

    Full Member

    Is there not already a huge artificial loch and Dam there? Am I thinking of the right location??
    I think we have enough wind power now – we need a mix of sources and I would rather future investment went into small scale hydro and tidal flow

    Free Member

    There are maps but i’ve only stared at a paper copy of one.

    I used to design windfarms… there are a few…

    Free Member

    Was it here that someone asked us to sign the petition to protect the bmnatural landscape of rannoch moor?

    It was. And I still think we need to protect many wild places. I’m intrigued by the local community response (and I know there will be objectors).

    If there a map of wind farms across scotland? Curious to the extent of the problem, or whether it’s just nimby-ism. I quite like the ek one


    Free Member

    this is wind farm visibility apprently, 60%. Not actual wind farms.

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    Free Member

    @seosamh77 – 😯

    That re-enforces my ‘we must protect what we have’ starting point on all this…

    Free Member

    cheers matt. any maps that are of actual area, ie OS map style. pin pointing kinda obscures things I bit I’d imagine.

    Free Member

    incidentally, anyone ever stood under the blades and watched them spinning towards you, very un-nerving the first time! 😆 they’re bloody massive, whoooooshhh!

    Free Member

    why do people think that an onshore wind farm is an eyesore when we have transmission wires and pylons all over the country. Have we all become so habituated to them that we just don’t see them anymore?

    Free Member

    The concrete bases are pretty permanent and the contracts in place to deal with reinstatement to previous condition don’t seem to be worth very much. (According to little sis the lawyer who deals with these things, Her skeptometer is at 7)

    The blades and towers have a design life and are easily removeable and probably recyclable to some extent.

    I reckon you protect the famous tourist views and national parks and fling up turbines and cable cars where we can (Within reason) to improve access and the economy.

    Free Member


    Protecting wild places are fine but my point about rannoch is the dirty great reservoir in it

    Free Member

    curto80 – Member
    why do people think that an onshore wind farm is an eyesore when we have transmission wires and pylons all over the country. Have we all become so habituated to them that we just don’t see them anymore?

    tbh the unlimited miles of managed forest annoys me more.

    I also think a rather large percentage of lochs in scotland are hydro dams are they not?

    Full Member

    this is wind farm visibility apprently, 60%. Not actual wind farms

    The key word in zone of theoretical visibility is theoretical, it is taken as the literal tip if the blade (strangely that map doesn’t differentiate between tip or hub), at 30km distance, with no account of screening by vegetation/buildings, haze, cloud etc. I’m fairly sure that map must be tip and not hub, which would give a significantly smaller theoretical visibility. I’ve done hundreds of them….

    Free Member

    windfarm lifetime is 30yearsish, they’re not there forever. Might be a gateway for other development, perhaps. But as a lower carbon stop gap measure onshore wind has a lot in its favour

    Full Member

    Pretty much so curto. I think turbines rather elegant.

    as for that map – I think it nonsense. Maybe with binos from the top of hills you can see windfarms that much

    I live in a top floor flat in Edinburgh with 360 degree views – I can only see one wind farm about 25 miles away and only then with binos and when the seeing is good. According to that map windfarms are in view.

    Free Member

    Wind Turbine life is 30 perhaps.

    But you can bolt a new one on the base.

    Free Member

    bigjim – Member
    this is wind farm visibility apprently, 60%. Not actual wind farms
    The key word in zone of theoretical visibility is theoretical, it is taken as the literal tip if the blade (strangely that map doesn’t differentiate between tip or hub), at 30km distance, with no account of screening by vegetation/buildings, haze, cloud etc. I’m fairly sure that map must be tip and not hub, which would give a significantly smaller theoretical visibility. I’ve done hundreds of them….

    agreed, i think it is a bit spurious.

    Free Member

    True but in 30-60 years will onshore wind be economically viable?

    Hopefully we’ll have a better solution by then

    Free Member

    Protecting wild places are fine but my point about rannoch is the dirty great reservoir in it

    Fair point, that needs to be applied to 99% of Scotland’s land and 100% of the rest of the UK. None of our environment is ‘natural’ and ‘wild’, without effect of man all over it.

    I am balancing my inner re-wilding and nature pro first response (and selfishness of enjoying being away in ‘nature’) with a pragmatic, income and job generating, land to be managed to balance competing aims outlook that I feel I should have more of…

    Free Member

    That re-enforces my ‘we must protect what we have’ starting point on all this…

    Given that it’s based on a 30km viewing distance, I’d say it’s not that bad as you’d have to be fairly elevated to see that sort of distance. The distance to the horizon is less than 5km away.

    Full Member

    Legally, the wild land areas thing doesn’t mean a thing. Sadly, more energy is needed, so something has to give. At the moment birds and peat enjoy EU protection, and this one is just far enough from Forsinard for RSPB not to kick off about it.

    My view is that this is a good result for the local community. Hopefully their opinion and wishes were a factor in this decision.

    Full Member

    And I still think we need to protect many wild places

    does this actually exist in mainland UK? not trying to be contentious, genuinely curious as most “wild” places turn out to be managed to within an inch of their moss, mostly.

    Free Member

    Fair point, that needs to be applied to 99% of Scotland’s land and 100% of the rest of the UK. None of our environment is ‘natural’ and ‘wild’, without effect of man all over it.

    Precisely. The argument is actually about familiarity.

    Free Member

    I like the look of windfarms, and while I don’t mind them I can appreciate that others do. I am all for protecting wild* areas where we can, and there is an argument there about the presence of windfarms affecting tourism. To be honest the biggest complaint I hear from tourists here (mainly from Europe) is the amount of litter in our wild* places, only rarely has windfarms came up in conversation.

    *I think we really mean scenic here as opposed to true wild.

    Full Member

    does this actually exist in mainland UK?

    For a given definition of ‘wild’ – Yes.

    The definition I prefer is no obvious encroachment from development/man made structures etc.

    Personally though I can forgive the sight of a distant windfarm from a Cairngorm summit. Where I think ‘wild’ land should be protected is when we get to the point where you can’t walk or camp anywhere without being within spitting distance of a turbine/dam/access road/etc. etc.

    Thankfully I think we are a long way from that point yet and despite my inner NIMBY kicking up a fuss I try to be pragmatic about wind farms.

    (although having said that, I do worry that windfarms are being developed where they suit private landowners best, not where they would actually serve the population best, surely we should be developing the Campsies and the Ochils before remotest Sutherland?)

    Full Member

    nickc – lots of land in Scotland with little management other than controlling the number of grazing animals wild and domestic. But almost no “natural” land as it would be covered in mixed forest if it was untouched.

    I got into a online argument with nimbys about this ( surprise surprise) as they were claiming a windfarm on the monadliath would spoil an “unspoilt wilderness”. The monadliath is a mix of grouse and deer shooting land with some plantation forestry. ie completely managed and an artificial environment

    Free Member

    I’d like to see a similar map to the above with “can see/hear a road” indicated instead.

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    Full Member

    thanks tj, understood.

    Full Member

    thestabiliser – Member

    True but in 30-60 years will onshore wind be economically viable?

    Hopefully we’ll have a better solution by then

    There’s a reasonable chance that absolutely none of our current power generation methods and infrastructure are economically viable in 60 years. Doesn’t mean we should stop.

    Full Member

    This government is very pleased at telling Europe to go **** itself.
    Building loads of renewable and being able to tell the Russians and Saudis to go **** themselves would be a lot more satisfying.

    Free Member

    I got into a online argument with nimbys about this ( surprise surprise) as they were claiming a windfarm on the monadliath would spoil an “unspoilt wilderness”. The monadliath is a mix of grouse and deer shooting land with some plantation forestry. ie completely managed and an artificial environment

    I see it as desolate wasteland so I’m with you on this. But… If other people see it as attractive then their views are just as valid.

    Full Member

    Indeed 5th. It was the description of it as an “unspoilt wilderness” I disagreed with. Its a giant deer and grouse farm

    Free Member

    thestabiliser – Member
    True but in 30-60 years will onshore wind be economically viable?

    Hopefully we’ll have a better solution by then

    Well one thing is for sure wind isn’t going to run out nor is the price of it likely to increase in 30-60 years .

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member
    thestabiliser – Member
    True but in 30-60 years will onshore wind be economically viable?

    the hinkley c power plant will only have a 60 year lifespan.

    Free Member

    Onshore wind is the cheapest viable form of power generation. Turbines are becoming cheaper and more efficient. It makes no sense not to utilise it where environmentally appropriate. What the government have done to the planning regime, especially compared to what they’ve done for fracking, is scandalous.

    Free Member

    Wind turbine = triggers broom

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