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  • wild fox in suburb area
  • trauty
    Free Member

    in daylight . semidomesticated foxes now? scavenging thrash ? what you think of them? treat them as other animals ( pigeons seaguls rats) as long as they cause no harm ?

    Free Member

    I think they’re great, nature adapting to changing a environment. I’m sure some people don’t like them, they want thier environment completely devoid of any other species, we’ll save a couple of cute ones like ducks and swans, but I’d like more.

    I’m all for reintroducing wolves and bears to the UK and I’m slightly upset the gang of Boars that escaped north of Afan didn’t manage to establish themselves like the ones in FOD. Although I don’t actually know if they were all captured or killed so there’s still hope.

    Ps I’ve been drinking

    Free Member

    Love em. We get a few round here. A few years back we had a litter that would play in the end of our cul-de-sac then fall asleep on the roof of one of the cars. Only seen one every couple if weeks recent though. Nice that nature finds a way.

    Free Member

    We’ve got a fox den in the garden – love them, especially the cute little ones in the spring. We’ve also had a sparrowhawk in the garden, a parrot, and a heron pinched all this year’s frogs from the pond.

    Not bad for being in Glasgow, not even the suburbs 😉

    Full Member

    They are even more obsessed with shitting in my flower beds than next door’s cats are.
    **** things.

    Free Member

    Not a fan, they stink and the dog rolls in their poo. They also leave pigeons in the garden that the dog finds and then hides in the house. There’s a mangy one that sits in our front garden and just stares at you – it’s a bit sad.

    Full Member

    When I lived in town I saw loads. I’ve always enjoyed seeing them around despite the fact they empty the bins and make one hell of a racket in mating season!

    Now I live in a village I very rarely see them. Guess they follow the kebab vans.

    Full Member

    Used to see loads when I lived in Leicester, especially on the walk home from the pub.
    Don’t see so many where I live in Leeds, but I think they’re great. Love seeing them.

    Full Member

    We’ve hounded them out of the country – whatdya expect a resourceful adaptable animal to do? Move in with the enemy of course! Power to their twitchy noses I say!

    Free Member

    They wake me up at around 3am doing laps around out house chasing each other. Despite being woken I usually spend a good 20 mins watching them from the bedroom window. I like them despite the stinking poo

    Free Member

    bringing back wolves and bears back to uk?! I dont think its possible really.
    Where exactly in uk is place where a pack of wolves would be able to survive without killing sheeps ?! Come on please. I am not UK citizen and in my country (Czech Republic) we have a much larger uninhabited forested areas and substantially larger forests yet hardly any stable population wolves (just 5 in 2010 due to illegal hunting sadly). There are bears and wolves in Tatra mountains in Slovakia though. Sometimes some rare single bear occasionally cross borderes to czech but thats about it. We have about 3 Lynx cats in Sumava mountains I think.

    in the picture can be seen graphical map of the wolves. darkest color means continual occurence , orange color means occasional occurence.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Yup Foxes in central London, just off Kings Road near Sloane Square. Very large healthy animals, so much food.

    In my view they are going to be a very big problem in the future, their behaviour has already changed from largely nocturnal animals to roaming around in daylight. It seems only a matter of time before they are confident enough to confront humans especially children. As someone who grew up in the country we where used to hunting them with hounds as well as shooting them. They are pests not cute “pets”

    Free Member

    Fox attack stories and the numbers

    Compared to dogs, foxes are a non-problem.

    Full Member

    There are bears in the middle of Italy??

    Free Member

    apparently yes.In Alps region and also Apenines mountains which is big area!

    Free Member

    The Marsican brown bear is a sub species of the European Brown bear and their are only believed to be 50 left in the world and these are in the Apennines of Central Southern Italy. The Marsican bears are in serious danger of extinction.

    Full Member

    Love foxes, a few years ago a fox cub jumped in front of my bike landing on its front paws then seeing me reversed the jump back into the bushes with a 360. Twas awesome

    Full Member

    Where could wolves live in the UK? Scotland.


    Let’s have some Lynx too!


    Full Member

    My sister has a fox that visits her garden and jumps on the trampoline. Good job really as the kids gave up on it ages ago.

    Full Member

    A fine bushy tailed specimen sits on the roof of the kids Wendy house some mornings so we can admire him while we have breakfast. Another one sometimes watches me whilst I practice shit wheelies up and down the road. He looks as bemused as everyone else. However the kids have been told not to approach them, they are still unpredictable wild animals.

    We have starlings in the loft too which are making a right racket at the moment but it’s great having them there. When we have the loft converted later this year the builders have been instructed to box their nest in from the inside so they can still use it.

    I find the whole foxes/badgers/whatever are a pest argument pathetic when you consider what the human race has done to the planet. Get over yourselves.

    Full Member

    I find the whole foxes/badgers/whatever are a pest argument pathetic when you consider what the human race has done to the planet. Get over yourselves.

    Quite. I don’t get the “foxes are pests” argument. As for the being in towns, good on them. They’re adapting to a readily available source of food; if you want to dissuade them, the we should stop being so bloody messy!

    Full Member

    shit wheelies

    Male multi tasking at it’s finest?

    Free Member

    I think they’re great, even though they occasionally kill our chickens. Would love to see the rewilding of a lot of our countryside.

    Full Member

    I think they are great. Watched a family of them a few years back. Mum and Dad fox used to sit either end of a row of garages while the cubs played on the roof.

    On a mtb note, don’t see many of the ‘Muddy’ variety out on the trails like BITD 😉

    Free Member

    A couple of years ago there was a real problem with urban foxes where I live with large numbers coming increasing visible at all times of the day, opening up bin bags and approaching people. Most of this has now been addressed by the LA introducing mini wheelie bins which has removed the majority of their food source, but last year the numbers of foxes clearly upset someone locally because they’d clearly laid poison which meant that we found a couple of dead foxes in our back garden, but also with the side effect of lowering the numbers of cats in the neighbourhood.
    Strangely this year we’ve noticed a significant increase in birds in the area – connected with the cat reduction I’d suggest.

    Free Member

    Foxes are pests as they kill farm animals, chickens, lambs etc

    As per my post the issue with so many in towns will be when behavioural changes mean they attack domestic pets and people or bring disease. Its one of the reasons the UK is so keen to avoid Rabies as if it got into the Fox polulation we’d have a major issue. We don’t see urban Foxes in France.

    Free Member

    It would be really nice to have wolves in Scotland for sure. Just wonder how they will protect sheeps though. Wolves can cover over 50km+ distance every day.

    Free Member

    Foxes are pests as they kill farm animals, chickens, lambs etc

    So what environment did we introduce these farm animals into? Ah yes, the one where the foxes naturally occur.

    I bet you’re all for persecuting birds of prey too?

    Free Member

    gallowayboy – Member
    We’ve hounded them out of the country

    What did you do that for?

    There’s loads in the countryside round here, they’re everywhere.

    Free Member

    We don’t see urban Foxes in France


    Free Member

    There’s been urban foxes for donkey’s years. They’re near enough harmless. Loads of foxes in the countryside too but you don’t see them cos they fear people cos we shoot a few, which suits both parties. Not necessary in towns though

    Free Member

    I like seeing them, normally when I’m walking back from the pub a bit drunk. Trying to sleep while they’re having noisy sex in the churchyard across the road is less fun…

    Free Member

    It’s his urban cousin the crack fox you want to worry about.

    Free Member

    We lost our last 2 chickens to a fox last weekend, although it was very decent and carried out the massacre elsewhere, so the kids didn’t have to find Sage and Dolly in bits.

    Free Member

    We have a couple been here ( leeds 7 ) really comfortably and boldly for at least 10 years never so much as glowered at crankbrat nor the neighbourhood plague of cats .
    I can’t see them ever attacking humans , the one story I ever heard of it sounded much more like a lie to protect the family dog from the noose .

    Free Member

    How can you call an indigenous wild animal a pest?

    Total bollocks IMO. Sums up where we’ve gone wrong.

    Full Member

    Loads in my street. See the cubs playing on the grass when I’m leaving very early AM at the weekend for biking. Stunning creatures.

    Had a couple of innocent close encounters with them over the years. Had an injured one come right up to me one day. Back leg was heavily injured. Gave him some food and he went back into the undergrowth. Also had one follow me for ages one night when I was walking my spaniel when he was just a young pup. I’d stop and the fox would hide then pop his head out to see where we were. Very cool animals.

    Full Member

    As I was leaving for work this morning (4am!) there were 2 foxes and a badger over the road, not doing much just having a sniff about together. And I’ve seen a few hedgehogs too. It’s like farthing wood. 🙂

    This is in the Bristol burbs, there are some woods 1/4 mile away which I’m guessing it’s where they all hang out.

    Free Member

    I’ve met foxes a few times when exploring places at night too – they’ve never been scared or bothered, they just trot past and carry on with what they’re doing.

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