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  • Why are Scottish and Welsh folk so patriotic ?
  • dragon
    Free Member

    I dont know of anyone in North Wales who supports Cardiff or Swansea

    Why would then unless they are under 10 years old. It wasn’t that long ago that Cardiff, Swansea and Wrexham were all bouncing around the 2 lower divisions, so surely anyone from N Wales would support Wrexham.

    Free Member

    so surely anyone from N Wales would support Wrexham

    They do and any other local team, Almost everyone I know in N Wales supports two teams

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Now I wasn’t aware that there are two versions of Welsh, every day is a school day etc.

    I live near Brechfa. It’s Welsh speaking, but they speak English to Welsh speakers from the North as they can’t understand each other.

    People from south Wales are English as far as they’re concerned.

    Complicated place Wales. 🙂

    Free Member

    Haha, so the two variants are that different? Is it just dialect or more than that?

    Free Member

    I assume it’s dialect. I had an northern Irish mate at uni that I could barely understand and a Geordie one that needed a translator (really, nobody even a few miles from Newcastle could understand a single word).

    That was back in the 80s. Wales is very much in the 1970s.

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