rondo – I really don’t think two people riding at walking pace, very conscious that the trail was newly-laid, being very careful not to lock the back wheels, leave a mark etc, would have made any difference at all.
Appreciate the signs etc, but no guilt here. Carry on being indignant if you so wish
Here’s a little message from the guys responsible for building the trails:
Work at Ashton Court is going well and going according to plan so far. The Upper and Lower Quarry trails will be ready in time for Bikefest. Normally, we’d wait longer to allow riders onto new tracks, but as we will still be onsite after the event, we can fix any damage immediately and before it becomes a problem.
We have asked riders to stay off the newly built trails until Bikefest and then from after Bikefest is over, until the trails are officially finished and opened. Most riders have been responsible and kept off the delicate trails, allowing them to bed in and harden up. This is a great help. In fact I must say that when compared to any other build we’ve done, less riders are breaking the rules than we would normally expect. A big thank you to the Bristol riding community.
However, there are still some people trying to ride the trails, breaking down the red barriers and pushing the fences down. It would be great if you guys could help us spread the word that the trails need to be left alone. Any help with this would be massively appreciated and will help safeguard the strength of the trails in the long run. It will also mean we get to concentrate on the rest of the building, rather than repairing the stuff we’ve just built!
We hate to be spoil sports but in this instance it really is for the greater good. In any case, if you are around and you see us wandering about, feel free to stop and ask if you’ve got any questions or comments.