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  • who'd win, mo farah vs usain bolt
  • TerryWrist
    Free Member

    Given a bit of training Molgrips could and don’t see why I couldn’t

    OK new question.

    Mudshark vs Molgrips 100m sprint (historical or current).

    Who wins?

    Free Member

    Molgrips but I was a better fencer when I was 12 I imagine 🙂

    Free Member

    Yep. Have you ever seen a rower’s shoulders?

    Have you seen Usain Bolt’s shoulders? The point remains that most of the power in rowing comes from the legs, and that rowers don’t look so different to triathletes in terms of muscle development. Based on the argument that elite athletes should be good at anything with training, you’d expect them to be able to run a good marathon.

    Your suggestion that they’d be quick over longer distances rowing is undoubtedly true, but also completely irrelevant. 2000m rowing is already physiologically an endurance event – it does after all take them longer than Mo’s recent European record took him. There is no such thing as a sprint rower.

    Free Member

    So he ran 200m in around 25 secs from a moving start? Pretty good at the end of 5000m but doesn’t mean much otherwise.

    Or another way of putting it is he ran faster than you quoted as his PB for 4 consecutive 100m splits at the end of a race which had included 46 consecutive 100m at quite a fast pace! I think it is very significant and I think around 22-23 is quite achievable.

    Free Member

    A few. But talking like a smartarse doesn’t make you right, unfortunately

    It does today though.

    Free Member

    For 200 metres

    Say a top sprinter does 200m in 20 secs

    Top sprinter 1st 100m in 9.9 secs, Mo in 12.9 secs = 3 secs slower

    For Mo to get 22 (or even 23) secs he’d have to run the 2nd 100m in 9 – 10 secs and that ain’t gonna happen.

    If Mo concentrated on sprinting then I’m sure he could improve his time a little but that’s not the point as it would have a negative impact on his long distance running.

    Free Member

    We have already established he can run faster that 12.9. I suspect with a bit of commitment on his part he could run say 12 (all speculation but its been good enough so far!)
    Given his stamina it would be realistic for him to complete the second 100m faster than the first as he would be at maximum speed entering into it unlike his first 100m off a standing start, an 11 sec second 100m is easily possible.

    Full Member

    So back on topic.

    Does the plane take off?

    Free Member

    Molgrips vs Bolt at any distance, unless it was “Olympic level worrying”

    Given how laid back Bolt is, I’d not be worried. Oh wait.. damn.

    Molgrips but I was a better fencer when I was 12 I imagine

    Give me a broom handle, I’d easily win 🙂

    Free Member

    We have already established he can run faster that 12.9

    Well no we haven’t but he’d get close with training, but that would mean building up his muscles and spoiling his long distance; the discussion is how he is now and, whatever, he’d never make a great sprinter.

    Free Member

    Well no we haven’t but he’d get close with training

    Well I am no mathematician so lets start from basics. If he can run 50:89 for 400m how does he accomplish that without running at least one of the 100m sections below 12.9?

    the discussion is how he is now

    Yup. 22-23 secs

    Free Member

    Looks like 600m is going to be the magic distance.


    /Edit Ignore me. I’m so last Thurdsay on this subject but hadn’t noticed.

    Free Member

    I think we established that about 4 hours ago, Ian – we’ve now moved on to the more important question of how much Molly would beat Mo by over 100m (assuming he gets out of the blocks first and doesn’t have to overtake).

    Free Member


    Surfer, if you think I am showing off, let me tell you my best ever (and last) result was 5th in county athletics. In Herefordshire, which is a shit county.

    Ah, so not quite good enough for a county medal.
    /Strolls off to polish County medal.

    Bolt hasn’t got one either.

    Free Member

    /Strolls off to polish County medal.

    Or as they say “winning isnt everything but losing is f*** all” 😀

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