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  • White people with dreads………..??
  • cinnamon_girl
    Full Member

    Yah! Another vote for curly hair 8)

    Years ago my kids said that my hair looked like Brian May's. I said 8)
    They begged to differ 🙄

    I'm special!

    Free Member

    hairstyle of choice for trustafarians

    They'll soon grow out of it.

    Free Member

    Another vote for curly hair

    I predict that afro is going to make a big come-back soon cinnamon_girl.
    You just wait and see …….

    Full Member

    the afro is back already, seen quite a few in london recently

    Full Member

    Had a **** big mohawk of dreads for years, coupled with multiple piercings and tats, had the desired effect of making sure 99% of people stayed away from me so I didn't have to talk to **** and townies.(If dreads are looked after, they don't smell, it's just that crusties can honk a bit on warm day)

    Unfortunately, the hair pixies ran off with my hair and left me some baldy bits, so now have a skinhead, which means I apparently look like serial killer 🙂

    Free Member

    Is he trying to copy the yogi bear? I mean it's nothing new but the yogi bear do it for their religion, not fashion, which dates back way way back beyond all the religions we know now.

    Or is he trying to have/copy a new identity?

    Free Member

    Yes girls seem to like them.Wish I had enough hair for them now.Weigh a ton when they get wet though.

    Free Member

    Am I the first to notice that this whole thread is racist?

    Free Member

    Er..if you want long hair and it's *really* curly – it's almost certainly gonna turn into dreads.
    Mine's somewhere in the middle, a few times my ponytail's turned in one matted lump if I haven't teased it out for a week.

    Not that there's much left of it 😮

    ..but I'm making up for it with the beard, being a metalhead 🙂

    There seem to be a few bloody hair nazis 'round here…

    >They're ugly

    You can certainly say that of a lot of middle aged blokes*, don't see 'em parking their lardy arses or beer bellies on bacon slicers tho !

    *I'm 46. I have neither. So there 😉

    Full Member

    aracer – Member
    Am I the first to notice that this whole thread is racist?

    please explain to me why it is racist..

    Full Member

    aracer – Member
    Am I the first to notice that this whole thread is racist?
    please explain to me why it is racist..

    page 1, line 1.

    why?? for what reason does a white person have dreadlocks.

    Full Member

    how is that a rascist q….

    Free Member

    Out of interest, what if you're white but due to some genetic throwback you have natural dreads and unless you cut your hair to shorter than 1" long (which then makes you looks like some bizarre preppy yank), it won't take any other style?

    Because that's exactly what one of my mates is like. Guess he should use the straighteners to keep all you narrow-minded numpties happy 🙄

    Full Member

    dunno, maybe the implication that you can't see why a white person would wear dreads, but can see why coloured people might?

    Full Member


    to much thinking makes your head hurt mate… 🙄

    Full Member

    head hurts anyway. damned kids and early mornings.

    Free Member

    are we still using the term "coloured" to describe folks of African heritage? What is this, an episode of Mad Men?

    Dreads on white people is a ghastly affectation.

    Free Member

    white dreads – 100% of wrong. Each to their own of course.

    Free Member

    A very good female friend of mine had bleached blonde dreadlocks for 11yrs, they eventually reached past her waist and she was never short of male attention.
    Unfortunately she is now bald due to chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer. She held a sponsored 'dredd-shave' party and raised £500 for Breast Cancer Care.

    I had 'lister style' dreads for a while when i cut the top part off my mohican.

    Free Member

    Dreadlocks remind me of rescue dogs… and IME can smell pretty honking.

    Free Member

    Saw a man coming out of the public swimming pool the other day, with wet dreds.


    They ought to be banned from public baths! yuck.

    Full Member

    🙄 who gives a shit?

    Full Member

    once again the ignorance and prejudice of the stw miserable old codgers astounds me!

    Full Member

    We call them 'jugglers' around our way.
    Had one white dreadlocked guy in our lectures-nice guy but he never noticed that there was always spaces all around him in the lecture theatre. The smell was disgusting.

    Free Member

    +1 Kimbers. My mate's hair doesn't smell.

    Free Member

    Not old mate – when it comes to the "alternative" lifestyle scene – been there done that decided to get a life!

    Its just that most white boys with dreads are either trustafarians or living up a country lane somewhere, selling dope, listening to dub & using the taxpayer to feed their mutt..

    Besides the whole purpose of having dreads is to symbolise your belief in a certain theology (whether that is rastafari, hinduism, etc) – not as a fashion statement..So, if your doing it to truly symbolise your belief in a certain theology , then cool Ive no problem with that but if its to be cool & alternative..

    Full Member

    repack what the **** are you talking about so i have to have a buzcut because i dont conform to your narrow view of how people should behave and look, how fascist can you get!?

    Free Member

    Besides the whole purpose of having a skinhead is to symbolise your belief in a certain theology (whether that is neonazism, the 60's skinhead movement etc) – not as a fashion statement..So, if your doing it to truly symbolise your belief in a certain theology , then cool Ive no problem with that but if its to be cool & alternative..


    Full Member

    i have a skin head because im going bald.
    i was going to germany a few years ago and my german mate told me to grow my hair out a bit before i came over.
    amazing that a hairstyle can be associated with political views.

    they wernt impressed with my Hitler moustache ether. (joke)

    Free Member

    White people with dreads……….why?

    Is it coz they want to be black? Just like that Tim Westwood fella on the radio

    Free Member

    kimber my hair is down to my shoulders & Ive had a buzzcut..I just dont like dreads on white folk – they always look like they are trying to hard to be cool.

    ps so Im the fascist because my opinion is different to yours? Because I dont conform to your way of thinking?? Pot, kettle, black..

    Full Member

    no youre fascist because you believe that i cant have dreds unless i conform to your opinion of what a guy with dreds should do/be

    i have no problem with whatever hairstyle you choose

    and whats wrong with wanting to look cool? surely everyone does
    im assuming that you in no way dress up to look nice or convey any aspect of your personality?

    Free Member

    they always look like they are trying to hard to be cool.

    What if they're not but that's how their hair naturally is and they look stupid with it short enough to not look like dreds?

    Free Member

    Why nonsense tom? Surely we cater our appearance to associate with a certain area of society. Its not my fault that those boundaries are blurred & some wholesome styles of dress have been taken over by others less wholesome. You, are after all, judged often on your appearance. I just dont get white boys with dreads – it looks stupid. Some people like rock & others like jazz – I have a different opinion to you & others when it comes to dreads. You want to wear 'em fine but be aware of the associations that will be made with that choice.

    ps Tibetan monks have short hair (virtually shaved) are you associating them with the skinhead movement? I dont get your angle.

    Free Member

    so kimber you are allowed your opinion but Im not allowed mine? Whose the repressive one now?

    Full Member

    double post

    Full Member

    what a bunch of f'ing bigots.

    It's like listening to a horde of 60's throwbacks.

    I think dreads look a tad silly on everybody but I'm an old man.
    But why shouldn't a white boy, or any other race for that matter, wear dreads. Or an afro, if they wish.

    And the sign said long haired freaky people need not apply
    So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why
    He said you look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you'll do
    So I took off my hat I said imagine that, huh, me working for you

    Full Member

    so kimber you are allowed your opinion but Im not allowed mine? Whose the repressive one now?

    Are you being serious?

    His opinion is 'who gives a **** what you want to look like'.

    Your opinion is 'I don't like it, I've got a problem with people that wear their hair that way and therefore it's stupid'.

    You don't see the difference, and why one opinion might be considered a little more oppressive than the other?

    Free Member

    We caused a friend of ours to have a (minor) nervous breakdown many years ago. He was going bald, very obviously, but insisted on keeping his rather meagre dreads.

    On holiday in Orkney, we spent a week sneakily putting stuff in his hair and then laughing when he went into the shop with 10 clothes pegs on his head.

    He eventually snapped and cried for about an hour – he reckoned he'd been "persecuted" his whole life, by his family, his workmates and now his friends.

    Did the job though, and he got a skinhead within weeks of getting back.

    Tough Love.

    Free Member

    uh no I said I think it looks stupid – I dint say someone cldnt wear there hair how they like. I said I think it looks dumb & has certain associations that if you chose to wear your hair in a certain way then you should be aware of the implications of doing so. Its like going to a football match in a club shirt with a grade 1 – you may not be a card carrying member of Combat 18 but people might think you are.

    caveat emptor.

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