Home Forums Bike Forum Which rim? Mavic XC717 or XM719?

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  • Which rim? Mavic XC717 or XM719?
  • BeardedDave
    Free Member

    Speccing some wheels for my girlfriend’s bike but can’t decide on the rim.

    I’m stuck between a Mavic XC717 or XM719. The XM719 is a little heavier and I guess a little more robust. I’m leaning towards the XM719 for this reason and because I’ve bent a few XC717’s in the past. But then I’m a 12 and a half stone clumsy oaf, whereas my girlfriend is four stone lighter and considerably less oafish. It’ll only be used for XC and a few trail centres, nothing too extreme and certainly no jumping, so surely a XC717 will be fine. Somebody help persuade me.

    Free Member

    719’s are bombproof. virtually identical to the very good 618’s.

    Aren’t they non-disc though?

    717’s are plenty tough enough until you try and land with them at 90 degrees, at which point they just fold.

    Free Member

    719’s are both non and disc specific…

    717’s are very light and if built well enough shouldn’t have any hassle with them. Provided she’s not going to be jumping etc I’d go for them as if you have a bad accident and as a result bend them they’d probably bend regardless of what rim your using. Get them built up well and they should last a long time, and if they do go just buy new ones….

    Free Member

    XC717 will be fine for your girlfriend.

    Does she do much riding already ? If not she’ll appreciate the extra speed.

    Im about just 12 about stone myself and my gf is 8 stone. Theres absolutely no way she’d damage a XC717. She likes to have as quick a bike as possible.

    Free Member

    Reread your post

    “It’ll only be used for XC and a few trail centres, nothing too extreme and certainly no jumping, so surely a XC717 will be fine.”

    The answer is yes

    Free Member

    The only things I’d say is I’ve got DT 4.1’s now. There the same weight as X717 but wider.

    Now some people say there made of cheese and apparently the metal is less dense than on the mavic’s to achieve the same weight but larger area. I personally I prefer the extra width and I have damaged them so I doubt your gf could either.

    Full Member

    I got the 719’s due to being 14 stone, and bending wheels, they are a little heavier but not that much. I would say 717 would be okay for the gf though, unless she’s a big lass! 😯

    Full Member

    I’ve got 717’s on my Cove Stiffee and they’ve taken plenty of abuse round the Lakes and Peaks as well as a few trail centres. Oh and the Alps/Pyrenees/Sierra Nevadas. I run them with 2.3″ tyres which fit fine.

    Therefore for what you/she wants them for, they will be perfect, a nice light strong wheel.

    Free Member

    So everyone is basically saying what common sense is telling me, get the XC717’s. 🙂 I think I just needed a bit of convincing after damaging 717’s myself. But yeah, she’s only little, won’t be doing any jumps or anything too technical, so well built 717’s should be just the job. Cheers all.

    Free Member

    I weigh 13 1/2st and use 717’s .But thats because i like the feel of a light wheel.I do need to get the truing stand out from time to time though.If you can’t fix your own wheels a stronger rim might be an idea.

    Full Member

    I dunno, 4 stone mmmmmm, have you thought about 729’s?

    717’s would be spot on the money.

    Full Member

    My Missis has 717’s on her inbred..
    I ran 517’s on my GT STS for years with hardly a buckle

    Free Member


    I am rather large in frame and rode 717’s for a number of years. The rear got a bit of a bashing but stood up well to hardtail riding down Innerliethen DH course on plenty of occasions last year. Quite a few snake bike punctures though.

    717’s will be ok IMO but you could do better. I am amazed at their abilty to stay in decent condition with the hammering I gave them (717’s that is)

    Now on 729’s WOW are they bombproof!

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