With no drivers to install, with a Garmin Edge (and maybe others) you just connect with USB and it’s seen as an external drive. Just copy the files from the drive.
However they are .fit files, but you can upload them to Garmin Connect web site via their web site (stupidly hidden option for importing via the Activities menu). You can also enable syncing to Strava & Endomondo by connecting your Garmin account to those and it will sync as soon as you upload to Connect.
Want a GPX? You can export from Connect, Strava or Endomondo web sites. Though you might lose the heart rate stuff, not sure. .fit files contains everything from all sensors with cadence, speed, heart rate and even ambient temperature.
Alternatively an Edge 510 & 810 have bluetooth and can sync with Connect via their app on your phone via 3G & WiFi. 1000 also has WiFi built in so can do it via WiFi directly, again to Connect.
Or, okay involves installing software, but there’s a browser plug in that works with Strava & Endomondo. Once installed, just connect Garmin and sync files from their web sites, job done.