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  • which cliplss pedals and shoes
  • SlowJohn
    Free Member

    I have decided to give clipless pedals a go. Can anyone recommend me a pedal suitable for new users something which makes it fairly easy to get into and out off. On the shoesfront ideally i need a shoe with quite a wide toe box as i seem to have wide feet any help greatly appreciated cheers

    Free Member

    Being similarily wide footed I went for the Shimano MP66 I got them in white, but you can still get last years model in black.

    They look like this->

    Mega comfortable and pretty damm weather proof into the bargain (at £40 from CRC a defo bargain) BTW I’m a UK 10 and bought size 45.

    As for pedals I went for these ->

    From Here

    They’re great for getting in and out of due the adjustable spring tension and they’ve got enought platform for when you want to unclip and ride like that.

    Full Member

    Go to a shop, try some shoes on, would be your best bet.

    These are all you need as pedals

    Free Member

    The M424 pedal is just as comfy as the 545, lighter and cheaper…it’s a no-brainer!

    Free Member

    time pedals forget shimano easier in and out + float for the knees

    Full Member

    I’d go for the cheapest Shimano pedals you can. Can’t remember what model they are, but I’ve had them on my bike for 5yrs or so and they are still going strong.
    Just wind the tension right out and off you go.

    As for shoes – can’t recommend specifics, but if you have a wide foot you might be better with some of the shimano/specialized shoes that are more like trail trainers than rigid spd shoes. Just a thought.

    Free Member

    If you don’t mind spending a bit more, the Shimano DX’s (here) are the best. Basically XT’s with a cage. I found them more predictable to get in and out of, and better mud clearance than the cheaper Shimanos. They also have a very positive click stop allen key adjuster so you can guarantee that all four clips release at exactly the same pressure. Oh, and they are as bomb proof as you will get

    Free Member


    every time.

    Free Member

    recommend Polaris mr5000 and cheap big s pedals

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