Home Forums Bike Forum which are the worst tyres

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  • which are the worst tyres
  • cullen-bay
    Free Member

    panaracer Razor Xc's 2.1 ( skinny for that tho…) are absolutely lethal, seriously when your washing out on road with mtb tyres you know they're absolute sh*t. you also know your cycling dangerously…. oops.

    Free Member

    Clever thread.
    It is fascinating how different people have such different views on the same tyres.
    I'm not going to list, but I'm about half in agreement and half opposition on several of the names that keep coming up

    I bet if the thread title was best tyres it could be the same ones

    Full Member

    Kenda Blue Groove/Nevegal. The only tyres that have ever failed on me, they tore around the beading, and they wern't that old. Expensive rubbish…

    Full Member

    I once had a set of Ritchey AlphaBite and OmegaBite tyres (F&R specific). They came with the bike and God they were dreadful. Refused to go round corners, punctured if they came within a mile of a thorn and needed 18 tyre levers and thumbs like Popeye's forearms to fit. Rubbish.

    I really like the (old) Specialized Enduro Pro and the (new) Eskar tyres, very predictable, work in almost all conditions.

    Free Member

    Continental, Michelin.

    I wont have them on my car or my bikes.

    I have stories, but thats for another time, except….

    Once bought the Conti twister supersonics, cos they were light. Yeah they were light alright. Which meant I approached the scene of my impending doom and accident at an even greater speed, and which also meant that my bike got more AIR during the crash I had the first time I used them 😆

    Oh, no, I have them still, they make me laugh just to see them and think about how useless they are and how stupid I was to buy them. They have got to be one of the most useless tyres ever and certainly not worth buying.



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