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  • The Coronavirus Discussion Thread.
  • martinhutch
    Full Member

    I reckon that I might have contacted covid which kicked in on Thursday.

    You don’t need to shell out on tests. We could tell by the change in your posting style that something was wrong. Luckily we have your whole-hearted endorsement of Sunak on record for the future. 🙂

    Get well soon…

    Full Member

    Well there is obviously a joke  somewhere there ^^ but it is lost on me!

    I have to admit that the general election thread did help me to do two things during peak symptoms on Thursday. Firstly it provided me with an entertaining alternative to my usual Thursday evening qiqong class. And secondly the interaction with binners distracted me from my symptoms. I remember thinking at the time “it’s true what they say, laughter is the best medicine” 😀

    Free Member

    Yesterday was my first post Covid bike ride – 6km exploring around Gargunnock. Good to be back and after over 3 months I had not forgotten how to do it, even had a good landing OTB.   Unfortunately it got me rather badly with horrible complications but on the mend.   Where did the muscles go?

    Best wishes and hopes of a speedy recovery to those caught this time around.

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