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    I’ve very out of the loop regarding strains, but I think I read XEC is the one causing most concern for coming months.

    Is it known how effective JN.1 based vaccines are against XEC yet?

    Full Member

    No. Based on last year’s studies, the XBB vaccines were about 50% effective (NEJM: “During this period, the dominant circulating variants changed from EG.5 and XBB.1.16 to HV.1 and then to JN.1, and the prevalence of the XBB.1.5 subvariant decreased from 10% to less than 1%”). This was backed up in another healthcare provider setting study. So not ineffective if you are one or two steps behind the emergent strain. Of course evolutionarily, it is possible that the vaccination pushed the emergence of newer strains, all back in the original BA.2 fold (scroll down to see tree). But I’d expect broadly similar results.

    Free Member

    Utter madness – and then you think back to those days and it’s probably true as well.

    Favourite comment “A Fridge too Far”

    Full Member

    I don’t think we’ve turned anyone down who’s asked for it TBH regardless of their age. or whether they’re in one of the vulnerable groups or not.

    That’s interesting. Trying to get a sane response from my GP  is like squeezing blood out of a stone. The missus uses ongoing immuno-suppressive medication and the last thing I want to do is infect her, but the actual process of being vaccinated round here seems almost deliberately hard to navigate – a lot of ‘it’s not our problem you’ll need to contact xyz stuff’.

    it’s so weird.  My best mate is a touring DJ.  Spends his life on planes and in sweaty nightclubs full of kids on drugs. Has never had COVID!

    I vaguely recall reading an article which suggested some people have a very high natural resistance to covid.

    Free Member

    Is it known how effective JN.1 based vaccines are against XEC yet?

    No numbers, but, “The campaign for autumn booster in the UK will start in October with an updated vaccine targeting the JN.1 variant, which XEC derives from, assuring a good level of protection against severe illness.” https://theconversation.com/xec-what-you-need-to-know-about-the-new-covid-variant-239125

    Free Member

    Utter madness – and then you think back to those days and it’s probably true as well.

    True that more people will buy the book…

    Free Member

    Utter madness – and then you think back to those days and it’s probably true as well.

    It’s absolute nonsense.

    Made up nonsense to sell his shitty book.

    He wants to appear all Churchillian, thinking outside the box to save the UK.

    If it came up at all, it was an idea suggested in a meeting and dismissed out of hand.

    He’s a fraud.

    Full Member

    Well our work (NHS) COVID policy backfired this week. The policy is “if you have COVID but feel well enough to work, come to work, wear mask etc”

    One such colleague did as per the advice, had tested positive, came to work……for 3hrs then felt more unwell and went home….over the next 3 days 4 other colleagues are now off with covid, we are already 4 members of staff down so the backlog will now get significantly bigger.


    Full Member

    I got a text Thursday to book for a Covid booster and got an appointment in 2 weeks for it. Was offered if I needed a flu vaccine at the time but I had already booked that for next week.

    Full Member

    If it came up at all, it was an idea suggested in a meeting and dismissed out of hand then they all partied, got pissed together and forgot about it

    He’s a fraud ****


    Free Member

    Mrs_oab is waiting on the call…

    I was able to book for both simultaneously online on Monday, I did that off my own bat but in any case got an invite to apply on Wednesday. I’m in England though, I guess Scotland could be different.

    Full Member

    @rOcKeTdOg That’s one for HSE under the Health part of the employer’s duties. Ask for the risk assessment, senior managers like that sort of reminder!

    Full Member

    our work (NHS) COVID policy


    Full Member

    Has a post been removed? What book are people talking about?

    Full Member

    Oh, I see, it’s in the Boris Johnson thread. Who knows what nutty plans he had people working on when they had a million more important things to be doing at the time.

    Free Member

    Yes, apparently the link had a naughty word in it

    Free Member

    Has never had COVID!

    Has never had symptomatic Covid.

    Full Member

    Well, there’s three of us in this house of five who have/had something this week. 19 year old son complained of feeling at bit off for three days before cheerfully saying whatever it was, it had gone. 17 year old daughter who is 70 days into pertussis recovery and still having random coughing fits got another phlegmy cough and two days off school, having also had temperature, nausea and dizziness. I woke up yesterday feeling really dizzy /vertigo – almost toppling over; never had anything like it. A bit better today but not good. No cough or temperature but have read that vertigo can be an early symptom. Got daughter and me LFT’d but both negative. Although purchased today, the LFTs have an October 24 expiry. So I suspect false negative. Do latest strains still show up on older tests?

    Full Member

    Can people who live with diverticulitis have the covid jab?

    I can’t find any proper answers on line.

    Free Member

    Can people who live with diverticulitis have the covid jab?


    Do you mean on the NHS for free or do you mean can they safely have the vaccination?

    On the NHS for free list: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/66e7fbf624c4f1826d81bb32/Greenbook-chapter-14a-20240916.pdf

    Free Member

    Masks still seem like a terrible idea to me, I’ve spent the last week in and out of a COVID ward and every single mask wearer is constantly touching their face to adjust the damn things.

    Full Member

    Main suggested benefit of masks is to try to reduce onward transmission from you by catching droplets you exhale. There may be some protective effect to the wearer, in conjunction with other hygiene measures – handwashing etc, but they were never going to stop covid by themselves. At the height of the pandemic, in an unvaccinated population, anything that might reduce onwards viral load was worth a go, because even a minor effect would potentially prevent deaths and reduce the overall burden of disease on the health service.

    For most people, they were only mildly inconvenient, and, as a community, IMO they helped reassure more vulnerable people, because they served as an outward demonstration that you cared about limiting the spread of the disease, and were prepared to do something to protect them.

    Full Member

    It certainly is, new variants are popping up, vaccines offer some extra protection to the most vulnerable, but it is often far from trivial even for fit and healthy folk.

    Full Member

    It feels like a lot of people have been really ill recently, anyone else noticed this?

    I’m 10 days in to my first ever bout of covid. The first 5 days were really grim, I can’t really remember ever feeling that ill before. I’m feeling more or less OK now, but still testing very strongly positive. Almost everyone I’ve told about this responds with something to the effect that they know a lot of people who have it at the moment and all of them are finding it non-trivial.

    Full Member

    timbaFree Member
    Can people who live with diverticulitis have the covid jab?

    Do you mean on the NHS for free or do you mean can they safely have the vaccination?

    Thanks timba. But that was too much for me to trawl through.

    My elderly mother told me that her Dr says she’s not to have (free to her) the covid jab, as she has diverticulitis. This statement doesn’t ring true as nearly half the population of 80+ year olds suffer from this disease. I think she’s got mixed up.

    Free Member

    I have an idea of what you’re going through, I empathise.

    Different condition but my mum’s practice confirmed that she hadn’t been offered/prescribed anything following a consultation where she got bored and wasn’t listening to the doctor!

    They were rightly not specific about the consultation

    I have since got a signed authorisation from her to speak to the practice

    Full Member

    Well It hit hubby again. He’s pretty poorly atm,(as was the case 18 months ago).

    A friend just told me her son has had covid for 3 weeks now. She went into Boot’s to get some tests, where the shop assistant says they have to come into work if they test positive.

    Free Member

    Mrs_oab had covid again a month ago.

    Combined with the other health issues she has, it’s kicked hard these weeks later – she’s got pericarditis this weekend. It’s seriously painful and horribly debilitating. That’s on top of Fridays clot caused by a broncospy and biopsy related to investigations.

    F*ck covid and anyone who says it’s not serious.

    Full Member

    F*ck covid and anyone who says it’s not serious.


    I hope Mrs starts to get well asap.

    After reading some of timba’s NHS published material above, it is still hospitalising people and many are dying.

    The optometrist wore a mask this morning when I was having an eye test (I told him about hubby), this made me happy, as he has a lot of elderly customers.

    Free Member

    And here we have it, a very very good and fairly comprehensive summary of the whole Covid-19 debacle.

    Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About COVID-19 But Have Been Afraid to Ask

    Nice to know that those of us they called conspiracy theorists have been well and truly vindicated.

    Full Member

    that it’s better to stay quiet and have everyone assume you are an idiot, than to speak up and remove all doubt?

    Free Member

    Vindicated by Toby Young’s website? Should I waste any time on reading that?

    Full Member

    Nice to know that those of us they called conspiracy theorists have been well and truly vindicated.

    ah yes posting conspiracy nonsense that has absolutely 0 scientific evidence attached to it

    is a great way to prove youre not a conspiracy theorist

    Im genuinely sorry that you are so gullible

    Full Member

    Had to Google Dr Jenny Goodman.

    she qualified in Ecological Medicine with British Society for Ecological Medicine


    Free Member

    Oh is that Toby Young’s website? Toby “always wrong” Young? That sounds like a credible and authoritative source that in no way should be treated with caution…

    Full Member

    Oh is that Toby Young’s website? Toby “always wrong” Young?

    Yeah, that Toby Young. The one who…(checks notes)…has zero qualifications related to medicine, viruses, epidemiology, pharmacology etc

    Full Member

    An airborne (aerosolised) virus stays in the air indefinitely and can travel long distances on the air, crossing continents. This makes lockdown, social distancing, school closures and Test & Trace completely redundant because the virus will reach all of us, regardless.

    Well that’s confirmed conspiracy theorists believe any old rubbish.

    Full Member

    specifically that link the crazy guy posted to Toby Young’s whacko page, the RT PCR stuff is scientific gibberish

    Having done literally 1000s of rt-PCRs  I spent a lot of time trying to explain to people on twitter how they worked, yet they kept repeating the exact same nonsense they’d heard from ‘experts’  its utterly depressing to see that the nonsense she’s spouting is still out there and believed by so many.

    Free Member

    The problem with articles like that is, as demonstrated here just now with no grasp of irony, it sounds credible. Unlike many, it’s well-written and articulate. Even the website, “Daily Sceptic,” that’s a good thing to be, right?

    It falls apart rapidly, of course. And oh god why did I look at the comments.

    Full Member

    “Daily Sceptic,” that’s a good thing to be, right?

    That’s what we’ve been led to believe 🙂

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