Hopefully people are starting to realize bj is incompetent.
You would hope so, but…..
There is a woman at work who is exceptionally good at her job, extremely personable and very effective in her role as she just knows her stuff. I have never considered her daft in any way.
I was chatting with her the other day and she was relating a tale from the weekend when her and her fiance were in London (eek!).
She said how the tourists were all wearing masks whilst ‘The Brits’ were not bothering.
Assuming, naturally, that an intelligent person would be telling this in a “god, we are a thick lot aren’t we?” way, I said “Yes, well lots of other countries experienced SARS and MERS and so are a lot more sensible and experienced in this sort of thing…..”
She looked a bit put out and then I realised she was telling the story from a kind of “Us Brits don’t worry about shit like this because we’re well-hard” angle.
Don’t underestimate how many outwardly sensible-seeming people really do think ‘we’ are somehow different from and better than the rest of the world.