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  • The Coronavirus Discussion Thread.
  • ElShalimo
    Full Member

    @Edukator – hang in there, we’re only a matter of weeks behind you


    Free Member

    We’re not weeks behind France.

    Singular. A week, at best.

    Full Member

    First time I’ve bothered to watch the press conference, Boris doesnt inspire confidence does he!

    Full Member

    Just worked out the logistic function for Italy.

    You really don’t want to see the plots 🙁

    Free Member


    No. What scaredypants said and also…

    It’s clear that the government were using outdated models and operating from a pandemic guide that was three years old designed for a flu outbreak. The relevant wider British scientific field had not been consulted properly, they had not been approached to verify the accuracy of the initial models that were being used and we had not engaged foreign scientists and their work with the rigor that was needed.

    In short, as scaredypants stated, arrogance and hubris.

    At this point I’d settle with just following what everyone else is doing and learning from countries a week ahead… this to me seems the main problem we have or perhaps we aren’t listening to our own experts as Boris doesn’t like the outcome and he won’t listen to furrin ones…. basically cos we know best.

    Well I’d say speculation and paranoia (although I’d say fear is a more appropriate description) are natural reactions give the craziness of it all. For me the release valve is in talking about it. For others it might be ignoring It, but some of us can’t do that.

    As for being uninformed, what are we supposed to do? Just swallow whatever Boris tells us unquestioningly when we can see what’s happening elsewhere?

    A week ago we were told letting it spread was the right way to go and that lockdowns, school closures and the rest of it was weeks away and anyone saying otherwise was spreading fear and being hysterical.

    And that wouldn’t be a problem other than the fact that this viewpoint is currently resulting in many people carrying on as normal as if they’re already immune to it and endangering everyone else.

    it’s not paranoia, it’s fear and worry, and as far as I can see it’s entirely justified.

    It’s simpler than that (maybe) … the UK premise (or what we are told) all along has been won’t happen here like it did in …. <France, China, Spain, Italy>. All we have/had to do is look at other countries to see what would happen if we didn’t take control or exert what control we had.

    Free Member

    There is a sticky from Mark up there^^^ ‘Direct Appeal from Singletrack’.
    If you haven’t read I strongly suggest you should.
    It’s clear that large numbers of people enjoy using the form so let’s do something to ensure we can continue doing that.

    Free Member

    No. He does not.

    As the American chap said about their President, “The first thing we have to do… is to shut this president up right now.”

    Full Member

    Jesus f****** Christ listen to Boris and Whitty. ‘If enough people distance it will bring down the peak’, ‘there is evidence that lots of people are following our advice’, ‘there is no prospect of limiting movement’. They’re giving all selfish ***** the perfect excuse to think it doesn’t apply to them. Once again they’re not taking any responsibility. It’s a ‘say something then hope for the best’ strategy.

    Free Member


    Because if the way the virus binds to the Ace2 receptor. Some people on ACE inhibitors may be at greater risk

    What does that mean for people on Vit A/D supplements? I’m meant to be on 3000 IU Vit D?

    Full Member

    there is no prospect of limiting movement

    Despite telling TfL to reduce tube and bus availability iteratively in the coming days to reduce movement, because people aren’t listening to this week’s advice (why would they if they heard last week’s advice?!?).

    Telling one thing to the casual follower, while acting entirely contrary to that in reality, might get you elected, but it’s sowing seeds of confusion at a time when that could be very dangerous.

    Full Member

    **** me he’s a horror show,

    Full Member

    Just went for bike ride but I think it will be the last for a while.
    Quite worrying reading some of you on here.
    UK needs to shut down now, not in a week.

    Full Member

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    Free Member

    Does anyone know what what is supposed to happen in 12 weeks? Our PM and senior scientific officer don’t seem to, despite telling the nation (well those of us who aren’t in the pub)

    Full Member

    Arbitrary deadlines make things happen.

    [ not true of course ]

    Full Member

    Does anyone know what what is supposed to happen in 12 weeks?

    Too far ahead for my predictions I’m afraid. Seriously. That is currently 42 doubling times. Doubling time will fall with restriction of movement. It needs to fall a long way.

    Full Member

    UK needs to shut down now, not in a week.

    Many of us were saying this two weeks ago and still not enough is happening. Let’s not panic though, it’ll be ok as long as we only go to the pub once a week instead of three times. Christ if I can stay out of the pub anyone can.

    Free Member

    Problem is we don’t have any/few restrictions on movement. Just some advice from a criminal who no one trusts

    Full Member

    No need for any of us to panic.

    Every need for us all to stop/slow the spread.

    An easy message… it just needs to be made clear by a competent government.

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    Full Member

    Full Member

    Perfect information Drac. Contrast with half the population still walking around thinking that closing schools is counter productive, and that we just need to let this spread and make the country magically protect itself through immunity. Oh, and people saying “it’s not in our area, only one here person has died” despite the information about lag and infection spread and a lack of testing.

    Free Member

    I think we can all see the problem with that Drac. The objective needs to be less than one on the right hand side. Given the current reserve of undeclared cases hospitals in the UK will still be swamped even with only 2.5 x current infections in 30 days. Social distancing is insufficient.

    Full Member

    It needs the obvious 95% less exposure example on there.

    People need to do far more, but will resist until given clear and non-contradictory advice to do so.

    The government’s slow roll out of the correct and necessary measures may well be designed to reduce resistance to those measures… but it is likely to result in the exact opposite… people not taking them seriously, or acting on older advice and instruction.

    Free Member

    Deceptive headline:

    South Korea has set up ‘phone booths’ that can test people for the #coronavirus in just 7 minutes.

    That’s how long the examination takes, similar to here.

    Advise watching today’s Vallance/Whitty/science correspondents press conf at Academy of Medical Sciences again, and hyperventilating less…

    Full Member

    Social distancing is insufficient.

    It isn’t that’s the point if people does as asked.

    Free Member

    Wetherspoons still maintaining its income, natural selection will sort this out.

    Full Member

    I fear my cognitive biases are preventing me from being able to take elements of the current plan as being anything other than skewed towards an ideological response. Not so much the medical side but the support packages. I really have a hankering to see a public works campaign – house building for example. Keeps builders going, gives employment to self employed, provides decent housing. It would have to be good old fashioned social house to the old rules of room size – sorry cant remember what the formula was. It invests in us.

    Full Member

    If you’re thinking of going to the Coylumbridge {or any other Britannia Hotel), take a gander at this…

    Issued today to 30 staff, many from the EU. Immediate termination of employment and eviction.


    Full Member

    Crikey, I cant even formulate a coherent response to that letter. Just sad for the people hit by it.

    Full Member

    There is a big danger of companies using government help AND reducing their staffing bill to stay afloat. It might be the only way for them.

    Full Member

    The government needs to aim help at people/households, not just companies.

    Full Member

    Wrong forum.

    Free Member

    That letter is utterly appalling.

    Free Member

    The government needs to aim help at people/households, not just companies.

    it’s got five years before it has to resort to that .

    Full Member

    Is it just me or has Johnson fundamentally misunderstood that this Coronavirus thing isn’t a competition with other countries to top the table?

    Full Member

    I blame the virus for me not being fit on my bike. Cant possibly the pies and lack of excerse, can it ?

    Britannia Hotels is the worst chain in the UK, so this doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. Absolute bunch of arseholes.

    Free Member

    On the basis of today’s stats the UK is now 3 days behind France and catching up.

    Free Member

    Two quick questions to all.

    Does Covid-19 damage lungs capacity permanently?
    There is a circulation on social media saying that taking Ibuprofen makes the situation worst is that true?

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