No. What scaredypants said and also…
It’s clear that the government were using outdated models and operating from a pandemic guide that was three years old designed for a flu outbreak. The relevant wider British scientific field had not been consulted properly, they had not been approached to verify the accuracy of the initial models that were being used and we had not engaged foreign scientists and their work with the rigor that was needed.
In short, as scaredypants stated, arrogance and hubris.
At this point I’d settle with just following what everyone else is doing and learning from countries a week ahead… this to me seems the main problem we have or perhaps we aren’t listening to our own experts as Boris doesn’t like the outcome and he won’t listen to furrin ones…. basically cos we know best.
Well I’d say speculation and paranoia (although I’d say fear is a more appropriate description) are natural reactions give the craziness of it all. For me the release valve is in talking about it. For others it might be ignoring It, but some of us can’t do that.
As for being uninformed, what are we supposed to do? Just swallow whatever Boris tells us unquestioningly when we can see what’s happening elsewhere?
A week ago we were told letting it spread was the right way to go and that lockdowns, school closures and the rest of it was weeks away and anyone saying otherwise was spreading fear and being hysterical.
And that wouldn’t be a problem other than the fact that this viewpoint is currently resulting in many people carrying on as normal as if they’re already immune to it and endangering everyone else.
it’s not paranoia, it’s fear and worry, and as far as I can see it’s entirely justified.
It’s simpler than that (maybe) … the UK premise (or what we are told) all along has been won’t happen here like it did in …. <France, China, Spain, Italy>. All we have/had to do is look at other countries to see what would happen if we didn’t take control or exert what control we had.