Home Forums Bike Forum Where do you get your gear and brake cables and how much do you pay?

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  • Where do you get your gear and brake cables and how much do you pay?
  • MoseyMTB
    Free Member

    As the title says, interested to see if price wise there is any difference and does anyone like a certain brand?

    By the way you can probably tell im bored lol.

    Free Member

    I get shimano SP41 outer/end caps from parkers and brand-x teflon coated inners from CRC. I think it works about at about £6 a shifter to run full length and usually lasts 6-12 months trouble free.

    Free Member

    Just picked up some Power Cordz inner cables, £37 for a pair, from the US. Plan to run them in Alligator I-Link outers.

    Previously used Gore, XTR and Nokon cables, and always gone back to bog standard Shimano inners (£1.99) with SP41 housing, 35p/10cm at the LBS.

    Free Member

    Get mine from LBS(cos I work there and get trade prices), always use Shimano 5mm outer, off the roll, for brakes and gears because it comes pre-greased and the metal end caps don’t get bent and cause stiff cables.

    Free Member

    2 x inner wires plus 2m of outer for £8 from my LBS. run the rear full length outer and the front whatever I can bodge up (running double and bash so not need for precision shifting on the front)

    Have used gore full system before at £25 ish and was impressive, but lasted no longer than bog standard shimano full length set up.

    “Just picked up some Power Cordz inner cables, £37 for a pair, from the US.”

    well **** me, that’s some expensive cables!!

    Free Member

    10 Clarks brake inners and 10 gear inners for a fiver from the MBR website. They’re so cheap I can replace them regularly as opposed to buying expensive cables.

    Free Member

    always use sp41 as its cheap does the job and free from work lol i tried gore cable system shifted great lasted 2 years of 3 times a week use so did all right but shimano sp41 tempted me more at its lower price of zero beans

    Free Member

    Mudlovers £19.99

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