Another story from my wife (I don’t know why she has all the fun stories 🙂 ) which still haunts her to this day and refuses to speak of it again….
She was with her mum in Bradford Interchange waiting for a bus. I suppose the location should be a warning that weird stuff might happen but you don’t expect this… The interchange does have toilets. This is an important fact.
A slightly shabby looking “larger” lady (not obviously homeless but maybe not looking after herself) walks outside the large bus shelters along where the buses stop. She is wearing a long dress.
She proceeds to lift up her dress and semi-squat over the sewer grate outside the shelter. She then, without removing her underwear, has a lengthly bout of severe liquid diarrhea, which pours out from her underwear. 😯
She stands up and walks away.
Several hundred people at the interchange that day have their lives changed forver.