So what's your excuse for being sat at home reading STW, and out on your bike on such an awesome day?
I've got to build a wardrobe, from scratch, not one of those flat pack ones! And broken hand still needs a couple more weeks to fully heal. Really wish I was out on my bike! 🙁
wife's away (all weekend) dairn sairff and I'm looking after the offspring – managed an hour with them in the bike trailer yesterday but it's getting a bit small for them both now and it was a bit cramped/hot/uncomfortable so I had to knock it on the head 😥
already got 2 and a half hours in and cleaned the bike, fear of sunburn has now brought me indoors, riding in this weather is, as you'd imagine, quite hot.
Would normally go out for a ride later on this evening, but have managed to give myself a rather nasty groin strain while training for a marathon next month.
my last exam ever (i hope!) is on tuesday… however i have ridden for the last 3 days, slept on a beach last night, and will hopefully be hitting the gym later. wed and thurs will be going to laggan, blairsomethingorother and golspie. then fri and sat hopefully SW scotland. a week later i'll be on my way to norway for a week or so cycling, then i've just got 2 weeks to finalise my fitness for 5 weeks at bikevillage…
Wife indoors writing essay on history of midwiffery. Me under gazebo, just about to get in paddling pool with kids. 🙂
Cant complain though, rode MachX Fri night & Tarw at CyB yesterday. Might try sneak a lap of the Monkey when cools down before dark.
My front forks are leaking air faster than I can pump it in, my mates bike has stuck pistons so when I rode it the front brake jammed on, the back brake is now doing the same – Im doomed. Perhaps I should drink beer for the rest of the day.