Home Forums Bike Forum What's the point of a Fixie?

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  • What's the point of a Fixie?
  • alex222
    Free Member

    I don’t know; South America?

    Free Member

    Why? I would consider a lot of the brakeless riders I know to be far better/safer urban riders than most cyclists. Taking one’s brakes off somewhat focuses the mind to read the road.

    It’s simply based on what I see around Bristol, which is poor observation followed by a locked back wheel.

    Free Member

    I would consider a lot of the brakeless riders I know to be far better/safer urban riders than most cyclists.

    I wouldn’t consider any of the idiots who think it’s ‘cool’ to ride without brakes in heavy traffic ‘better/safer’ than anyone else on a bike. I would, especially based on witnessing such numpties come a cropper a fair few times (surprisingly because they didn\’t actually have the full control of their bikes they like to claim they do), think that they were quite stupid.

    I would consider someone who has the intelligence to fit decent brakes to the bikes they use on public roads to be ‘better’ cyclists than those who don’t.

    She’s just very pretty

    She is. and she does seem to be suitably dressed for a cycle ride in warm conditions, which it appears tobe given the attire of others in the photo. Obviously an intelligent and sensible young woman. A fact borne out by the fact that her bicycle has brakes.

    Full Member

    got to agree with alex222 on this subject.

    fixfixfix anyone?

    Free Member

    A fact borne out by the fact that her bicycle has brakes.

    A coaster brake and a front brake no less

    Free Member

    You sound a bit like some of the commuters I encounter, who can’t bear to be overtaken and have to ‘race’ me. I’m just plodding along at the pace my gearing allows me to ride comfortable. I just laugh and let them bust a gut ‘dropping’ me.

    What would you do if you were dropped by someone? Would you cry?
    Sorry to disappoint but the only time I bust a nut is on a club TT or a hill climb or some such. SCR is SCR.

    Do I cry? Well, I might, depending on who was going the dropping. But if they had an attitude like yours, all joyful and friendly like? Probably not.

    Free Member

    A coaster brake and a front brake no less

    No less indeed. good to see such thoughtfulness and consideration for her own, as well as others’, safety.

    But if they had an attitude like yours, all joyful and friendly like? Probably not.

    I’d leave you simling and filled with joy.

    Free Member

    I’d leave you smiling and filled with joy.

    That is indeed what she whispered in my ears when she sailed past me like a beautiful Godzilla.

    Free Member

    who is winning?

    Full Member

    Hard to say….

    This reads like the SS Vs gears arguments of years ago. IME people are fast/fit because of their training regime regardless of the bike they’re riding.

    Free Member

    This reads like the SS Vs gears arguments of years ago. IME people are fast/fit because of they’re riding bikes, not having pointless internet arguments


    Free Member

    I ride a fixed for commuting because it’s way more fun than on a hybrid, quicker than a mountain bike and more relaxed/ less expensive than on a road bike.
    It is basically a drop bar road bike with a front brake.
    80″ gearing according to Sheldon, and my commute regularly takes in high cadence loops of Regents Park and very slow grinds up the North London Alps of Highgate, Hampstead and Alexandra Park.
    It has definitely improved my fitness and particularly my hill climbing ability on both road and mountain bikes.
    It is really helpful for mountain bikes because it makes you pedal everywhere that you might normally be inclined to coast. It is detrimental to freewheel bikes because when you go back to them it makes you think that there is something wrong with your cranks – like they’re sticking.

    Full Member

    that fat guy wearing lycra on a bike is winning by the sounds of it. 😆

    Free Member

    who is winning?

    I hadn’t realised a race was going on.

    Full Member

    I love it when someone passes me, like red rag to a bull. I like to say something like ‘oh you’ve got a race on now’ – espicially love it when a roadie passes me and then when/if I get to pass them, feel like ‘yeahhhhhhh in your face roadie’

    Free Member

    Hey, who would have thought this thread would have turned out so shite? it’s like watching rats trapped in a maze that they cannot get out from. Keep up the good work.

    Full Member

    ^^^ proper reason?

    You’re overthinking this far too much. Either give it a go, or forget about it. It’s the only way you’ll ever decide.

    Sounds like there isn’t one. There’s either a reason, or it’s just more fun.

    I think what’s really being asked is:

    “Is riding fixed like riding with gears or suspension in the way that it has demonstrable physical advantages, or is like riding a unicycle, which is only worth it if the fun outweighs the physical disadvantages?”

    Free Member

    smell_it – Member

    Hey, who would have thought this thread would have turned out so shite? it’s like watching rats trapped in a maze that they cannot get out from. Keep up the good work.

    agreed – yet another topic to add to the list of people arguing to the death to try to convince themselves that their judgment is correct, justifiable and well thought out. and that they matter.

    to be filed next to apple/android, ford/holden, cars/bikes etc. it’s quite pathetic when you take a step back and observe.

    Free Member

    agreed – yet another topic to add to the list of people arguing to the death to try to convince themselves that their judgment is correct, justifiable and well thought out. and that they matter.

    remind me again what one should expect on a STW thread about something that a majority of the protagonists know very little about?

    Free Member

    What should one expect on any online discussion board regarding anything at all?

    Free Member

    expect – people doing the above.

    hope – people discussing topics they are inevitably not experts on with an open mind.

    i realise the odds are vastly stacked in favour of the former, but the reduction to insults and willy waving is still pathetic.

    Full Member

    It’s because it’s a very wooly question about questionable and subjective advantages.

    If the question was “I’m going racing, will I be faster with suspension/29er/slick tyres or not?”, there’d be a good slice of decent, objective advice regarding equipment vs conditions. Along with a liberal sprinkling of bullshit, obviously.

    But here, it seems there’s no concencus on where there are any demonstrable advantages, so the argument just somes down to whether people like it or not. Hardly surprising it’s all got a bit silly.

    Full Member

    and the fact that there’s no concencus vindicates the OP for having asked the question “Is there a point, other than it just being nicer if you like it?” because it’s a decent question, and the answer, based on this thread, seems to be resoundingly “No, not really.”.

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone, you’ve opened my eyes quite a bit to fixed wheel bikes. Looks fun doing those type of skids but I’m not sure I could ride brake-less!

    Thanks for posting a vid!

    Guess you’ve all seen Chris Akrig on a fixie?

    Can I achieve the same effect (just to try it out) by just constantly pedaling and not letting up? Minus the cool skids of course. 😉

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Right, picture break…………..

    Free Member

    Somafunk, is your charge plug a 2013? Been waiting since mid sept for mine, gettin fed up!. Where’d you get it?

    Free Member

    I want that Surly. Here’s mine, if we’re posting pictures…

    Free Member

    Eeeeh, that’s not the most beautiful bike I’ve ever seen…

    Free Member

    I love those Cinellis
    not cheap though

    Full Member

    this is my commuter, I have ridden a fixed gear since I was a teenager (the 80s), because my dad had one.
    Fixed gear for commuting is super cheap. I have a 48/16 gear on it and it gets up and down most sensible hills

    If I lived somewhere with nasty steep hills I would use a geared bike.

    I’ve only ever struck a pedal really badly once and that was a long time ago on an unsuitable frame with long cranks and was caught out with the change in camber on a roundabout – I was flicked right into the air but held onto the bars and landed back on the bike and managed to not hurt myself too badly… with a SS or fixed specific frame you’d have to lean a really long way over to get pedal to tarmac

    Full Member

    Ooooh picture time… Here’s mine. A road bike, with mudguards, normal brakes, look keos and nice Harry Rowland Miche/Mavic Open Pro wheels. Oh and it happens to be fixed. Not that you would notice when I ride it.

    And here’s my other one, that mildly shouts fixie. I’ll be hill climbing on this on Sunday, but not in this gear.

    Free Member

    Jim fixed it for me……coat fetched 😳

    Full Member

    This was fixed for the first few weeks, whilst I was waiting for a hub. And that was fun on the techie trails at puddletown. My normal fixie is a surly steamroller with surly open bars and a pdw takeout basket, sprung saddle… It’s a gents ale hunter.

    Full Member

    Double post

    Full Member

    Hurrah for pictures!

    Touring / commuting:


    Mountain biking:


    Free Member

    Had a couple of hours free this morning, went over to Ashton Court, rode the fixed KM, spent the rest of the day smiling like a loon….for me that’s the point…………

    Free Member

    no idea but this is way too clever:

    Full Member

    How come all the mtb fixies don’t have suspension?

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