Scienceofficer – Member
For production, I think I’m pretty close to my limit with the 2 souls Quarterhorse.
This. Paid £600 for a 2nd hand 2Souls QH. Made me question my sanity at the time but the reviews on here (incl the above Scienceofficer – thanks for that!) swayed me. Grrrrreat bike, immensely capable, custom drawn (by frame size) 853 tubing and fairly radical geometry. Love it!
Other than that, paid £395 for a Sanderson Life frame a couple of years ago. Might go higher for Ti, but certainly would go into 4 figures for something custom (being a gangly 6’4″ I sometimes think that I could use something measured for me), but recent bike expenditure, coupled with imminent arrival of funkrodent junior, means that won’t be for some time… 😐