I’m in Town this weekend (after last weekends awesome road rides in my bit of Hampshire) so can’t complain, well I can but I’ve chosen to go out for a CX ride on Sunday with a bunch of mates who I roadie with up here from the Club.
I honestly don’t expect a great deal of fun to be had at all 😆
Tomorrow should be saying good bye to the Wife, honestly I’ve had enough of her and her petty snide comments so it’ll be a two fingered wave as she heads for Harrogate. Only trouble is, well I have to pick he back up the weekend after next 🙄
Then I’ll take my bike up there and make the best of “The Hell of the Wath” route I created on the roadie. Might, might just take a good friend up if she’s behaving herself and brings pies.
So, lots. Looking good I say 😆