Home Forums Bike Forum What would you expect in a service

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  • What would you expect in a service
  • pendlechris
    Free Member

    From a shop, I know different shops offer different things, but is there general things that should be expected like on a car?

    Free Member

    Check brakes (alignment, pads, lever feel- but not bleed), check cables and replace as necessary, true wheels, bolt check, check over transmission (maybe not replace in standard service).

    Wouldn’t include:
    -bleeding brakes
    -servicing forks/shocks
    -replacing transmission (possibly, depends on bike)
    -hub services
    -pivot bearing changes

    That’s what we do anyway.

    Free Member

    is this the first service? offered by the shop a short time after buying new? if so I’d say rectifying any cable issues checking & greasing (probably not required) all moving bits and generally making sure that everything is as it should be?

    Free Member

    No i have had it about 18 months, and never had anything done, gears are slipping quite a bit now, and there is probably a few other thiings, just wanted it checking over for piece of mind, and see if anything needs doing

    Free Member

    Some shops offer different levels for different prices which is the way to go. Njee’s service seems fairly heavy, I’d say that’d cost a few bob.

    I cant remember the last time I’ve had a service, normally just run something until it wears out – upgrade or replace.

    Free Member

    We’d charge £50-£60 to do that. As Gnar said there’ll be different levels, ask in advance, specify what you want done and ask how much it’s likely to be.

    Free Member

    That’s actually pretty cheap. I’ve found in the past with full services like that even the best mechanics can miss or forget things negating some of the value .

    Free Member

    Yep, the best one is customer comes in saying ‘my bike skips when I ride up x hill’, right… well we don’t have that hill here, so we can either replace bits, and see if it helps, or do everything and you’ll possibly incur needless expense. Either way people usually get pissed off, but a test ride around a car park will only reveal so much!

    Learn to maintain your own bike, more useful and cheaper, even if you have to buy some decent tools- most notably decent cable cutters.

    Free Member

    As above learn to do it yourself. It really isn’t that hard. Think about all the things you have to do to drive a car or van yet everyone seems to think thats their right rather than a skill you should learn.

    Contrary to other answers I would expect my brakes bled (if required) in a bike shop service though.(it’s no worse a job than trueing wheels for example)
    And if your the shop owner it’s going to make a noticable difference to your customer when they pick their bike up. So at least they can see you’ve done something.

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