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  • What to do with rice…
  • z1ppy
    Full Member

    Put some in the steamer last night, but ran out of time so didn’t cook it (ruddy balsamic rice [even white] takes ages)… but have the rice sat in the water that needs using.

    So after some idea’s on what to do with it, I only tend to use it ‘plain’ for stews at home… Any thought’s on what to do with it to spice it up?

    Jamaican rice & pea’s? (seemingly everyone has a different recipe)

    PS: I need to strip my bike today, due to a stripped BB, then rebuild the parts onto another frame…. so would prefer quick recipes

    Free Member

    egg fried

    Full Member

    for a seemingly a through away comment, after checking how to make it, that seems like a damned good call..

    Free Member

    I aim to please 🙂

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