Home Forums Chat Forum What should I eat between now and Thursday to ensure my farts are hideous?

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  • What should I eat between now and Thursday to ensure my farts are hideous?
  • bearnecessities
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    Head and Shoulders, Toothpaste and Shit. Big pieces of shit.

    Full Member

    Funny thread.
    Prune and sprout smoothy and Tring Ale.
    oh and a Tena for man just in case.

    Free Member

    The shart coefficient must be pretty high with a lot of those suggestions 🙂

    Free Member

    Ok, for me the best formula is as follows.
    Skip lunch then stuff your face with whatever crap you find lying around the house. Sauasage rolls, pasties etc etc.
    A couple of energy gels
    Dinner, a nice curry will work well along with samosas, onion Bhajis.
    Washed down with several pints of Marstons Pedigree and 3 or 4 pickled eggs. (I cant believe no one has mentioned pickled eggs!)

    Full Member

    “konabunny – Member
    Most people quite like sniffing their own farts
    Wat “

    Farts are like children, you hate other people’s and savour your own

    Full Member

    Kimchi and chocolate milk.

    Full Member

    Whatever the secret ingredient is in the gravy in Jaconelli’s chip shop in Mary Hill. The secret ingredient that make it the colour of bournville chocolate, opaque like emulsion paint and makes you fart like chewbakka all next day.

    Full Member

    Do they still make beanfeast!
    I used to love that stuff what, 35 years ago.

    They do but sadly they’ve changed the recipe fairly recently (for the bolognese one at least, I’ve not tried any of the others lately). It’s nowhere near as nice as the old one.

    Free Member

    Out of date energy drink mix thats been sat in the fridge for a week.

    Wear an adult nappy.

    Free Member

    Right, I’ve prepared the dish, it’s all cling filmed ready to go in the oven at work later.

    A packet of Paxo sage and onion stuffing mixed then spread on a tray for the base, then topped with 12 slices of chorizo, then caramelised red onion spread on top of that, and 100g of Stilton crumbled on top. 20 mins in the oven should be all that needs.

    I have also made a dip by mixing natural yoghurt and a packet of fajita spice mix, and also have a ‘dragons egg’ for a snack which appears to b a chilli flavoured scotch egg.

    Just the beverage to think about now.

    I’m going to have a horrible accident aren’t I.

    Free Member

    This should be top of the list…

    Edit… just seen this…

    Do they still make beanfeast!

    Only had it once, some 20 years ago, but it’s still often talked about in our household, so dramatic were it’s powers 😯

    Free Member

    …and that, Ladies and Gentleman, is your tax dollars hard at work.

    Not since the 1989 Tim Burton version of Batman have criminals cowered in such fear knowing that their shadowy nemesis waits in the shadows ready to punish their every transgression.
    They’d likely ascribe the sudden foul stench to their own fear.

    Makes you proud to pay your taxes 😆

    Free Member

    I don’t know about that, but I think the taxpayer may be shelling for an extra roll of quilted velvet tomorrow.

    Free Member

    I thought you were a “moist towellette in the disabled toilet” kind of guy?

    Free Member

    Yes I am, but not for every pass, just the final polish.

    Free Member

    Real Ale plus curries with loads of onion – Dopiaza being a particular fave.

    Free Member

    When I was about 14 me and a mate decided to cook something for lunch, beans on toast with Smash mashed potato (I know don’t ask) it was awful so lots of brown sauce was added. As I was walking home I started to let a few go, after about 15 minutes it was as if I was emitting a constant stream of gas. every step was accompanied with a parp or a hoot or a squeak or a rrrrrip it was funny for a while but I couldn’t stop for hours.

    Full Member

    I’m going to have a horrible accident aren’t I.

    A glorious, spectacular accident, signifying you have vanquished foes, nay, conquered worlds! We salute you sir, you magnificent, shit stained, Adonis.

    Bit late now but I case there is a round two, try kedgeree. Not sure why an egg & smoked fish curry didn’t come to mind sooner to be honest.

    Thegreatape and his boss, on arrival…. (Bit sweary at the end)

    Full Member

    What a great post!
    Wheat beer much more potent than real ale
    Garlic instead of onions (although pickled anything rules)
    Chorizo in epic quantities
    Eggs, hard boiled, half a dozen should be enough
    and a spare pair of underpants in case of follow through
    Good luck and we look forward to hearing about the trip!

    Free Member

    we look forward to hearing about the trip!

    I guess it’ll be on the news.

    Full Member


    Best thread in a while this

    Free Member

    In over a quarter of a century of pub bothering and general ale fuelled hijinks, there’s one stand out incident that caused mayhem for all those concerned, with the after effects being felt some forty-eight hours later.

    I give you “The Night of the Bombay Mix”.

    The landlord at our local pub decided to put these bowls of Bombay Mix out on the tables, one Saturday night in 1996. A few of my drinking buddies tucked in with gusto, washing the marinated lentils and biscuitty stuff down with pints of Guinness. Another friend turned up with a black Labrador dog, who seemed to be somewhat miffed at missing out on the food, so he was duly indulged with the remnants of the bowls plus the Guinness dregs.

    Last orders came, so we all shuffled out of the pub feeling inebriated and uncomfortable. Several members of the entourage were complaining of guts ache.

    Waking the next morning with a vicious hangover, my friend announced he had to pick up something from town for his car later that afternoon. A cleansing fry up was had, along with several cups of coffee before we ventured out in the brand new Ford.

    Ten minutes later, a sound akin to a flock of starlings taking flight was heard, closely followed by stinging eyes and gagging. My so called friend in the driver’s seat had let loose a fart so evil it defied description. There were overtones of burning plastic, sewerage farm, sulphur and what can only be summed up as “ill”.

    Retching, I reached for the electric window switch and forced my head out into the slipstream. It was November and drizzly, but the cold, damp air and gritty road spray was preferable to taking another lungful of evil.

    Once recovered, I withdrew my head back into the car and wound up the window. Ten seconds later *pfft!* and the cycle started over again.

    I endured this for fifteen hateful, indescribable miles. In the years since, some of those present have asked me what it was actually like, my reply was reminiscent of a traumatised Vietnam vet – “You don’t know man, you weren’t there!”

    We duly parked in the car park, whereupon my mate let fly another bowel bothering bum blast, which nearly tore his colon. Coughing, spluttering and choking on the evil fumes, we shut the car door on it and headed into town.

    My pal spent the next two hours guffing horror at ten minute intervals as we walked around the town. Children cried, passing cats fled for their lives.

    With bowels finally restored to normal working pressures, my pal decided to return to the car. As we approached, he thumbed the key fob and reached to open the door…whereupon we choked once more as the two hour old fart hadn’t dissipated, but had simply matured in the car, no doubt turning the plastic brittle and rotting the stitching.

    It doesn’t end there.

    Unbeknown to us at that time, our friend’s Labrador dog was also suffering from Guinness and Bombay Mix farts to the point that the poor creature had turned delirious on his own fumes. Said dog was quickly ejected into the back garden, where he was banished for a full two days until the intensity died down to regular dog-fart levels.

    Epilogue: I’m now forty two and I swear that since the infamous Night of the Bombay Mix, my sense of smell has been irrevocably damaged. I can barely smell the sweetness of a freshly opened rose, nor can I fully appreciate the olfactory carnival that is Spring.

    So if you want to cause Petomaineesque mayhem, then all you need is a bag of Bombay Mix and six pints of Guinness…but I take no responsibility for any loss of life or damage to property.

    Full Member

    Cant believe this hasn’t been posted yet….
    I think this is impact you are looking to make!

    Full Member

    To “cock the hammer” in the morning, a breakfast of whatever you fancy, so long as you follow up with yoghurt, coffee and some nice fresh orange. Should see you right. Or wrong.

    Full Member

    From reading all the comments, you basically need a Dave Lister diet for a couple of days.

    I’m going to have a horrible accident aren’t I.

    You’ve got the makings of a STW Classic Thread here at any rate.

    Full Member

    I give you “The Night of the Bombay Mix”.

    I’m now choking back the giggles here and getting funny looks at work.

    Free Member

    I once had to drive from Chepstow to Norwich with a work mate.

    He proudly told me that in order to prepare for the journey he’d made a sprout curry on the Saturday evening, the leftovers he’d reheated for Sunday lunch. 😯

    I’ve never smelt anything so horrendous.. I felt physically ill by the time we arrived and drove the last hour with all of the windows open, much to his utter amusement 😕

    Free Member

    OP – who’s driving? And will the driver have access to blues and twos?

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    Free Member

    I am planning to drive so that I have access to the electric window child lock, and therefore full control over who’s farts are let out of the car (his) and who’s are savoured (mine).

    We’ve got special flashy headlights and a siren but otherwise anonymous.

    I might get some Bombay mix from Morrison’s for breakfast – it’s basically a muesli isn’t it.

    Free Member

    Right I’m starting work now so shall he offline until dinner when I shall find put how my creation tastes.

    Free Member

    Let us know your final decision … 😆

    Free Member

    I am planning to drive so that I have access to the electric window child lock, and therefore full control over who’s farts are let out of the car (his) and who’s are savoured (mine).

    We’ve got special flashy headlights and a siren but otherwise anonymous.

    So you can also control the mercy dash to the services if required?

    Oh, the power!

    Free Member

    We’ve got special flashy headlights and a siren but otherwise anonymous

    Browns and number twos?

    Free Member

    Will be by this time tomorrow I fear.

    Free Member

    Don’t forger to prep up a mix for the CD

    Britney spears – Toxic
    Frozen soundtrack – Let it Go
    Nirvana – Smells like Teen Spirit


    Free Member

    Snoop Dogg – Drop it like it’s hot!

    Free Member

    Ellie Goulding – Explosion

    Free Member

    Van Halen – Eruption.

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