RSPB Charter:
The Society shall take no part in the question of the killing of game birds and legitimate sport of that character except when such practices have an impact on the Objects.
Or, as Martin Harper wrote on the very same blog you quoted, (but decided not to cut and paste this bit)
We are also neutral on the ethics of shooting but we do care about the environmental consequences of that activity.
So, yes, RSPB are officially neutral on the issue
Want to dig any more holes for yourself, Dave, because so far, you’ve not actually tried to debate any of the issues or discuss any of the points made 😕
Maybe you’ll come back with something intelligent and discuss whether moorland drainage grants were a good thing or a bad thing? or what the pattern of sheep stocking densities has been over the years? or maybe you’ll ask questions over the huge project of grip blocking that most grouse moor owners have been doing for years (not least because the resultant bog flushes provide tots of tasty snacks for grouse)
Maybe you’ll even look at that photo above and tell me which side of the road you think has the greatest biodiversity? Go on Dave, if you want to debate the issues, I’m more than happy to do that.