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  • what is the worst thing you've ever done?
  • warton
    Free Member

    I wanted terrapins, my mum said i could only have them when the fish died. low and behold the next day the fish were dead, and the tank smelt of bleach.

    Cheated on an ex (when I was 16) when she was in hospital with appendicitis.

    Free Member

    Gave my mate's cat LSD

    Free Member

    Gave my mate's cat LSD

    Oh dear

    Free Member

    Gave my mate's cat LSD

    this is about the worst things you've ever done, not the best.

    Full Member

    this thread is coming along nicely

    Free Member

    Fell in Love with the wrong woman.

    Free Member

    Fell in Love with the wrong woman.

    only once ?

    Free Member

    Following that whole monkey shooting business a few months ago….

    … I was the assistant manager on a Zimbabwean farm (I was born there, innit!)- my opposite number from the neighbouring farm and I would sometimes go up into the rocks and snipe monkeys from miles away with a 303 or a 762.
    The excuse was that they used to raid our Maize, so we'd make an imaginary line and snipe them when they crossed. They soon learnt. The labourers liked eating them.

    Another method.

    Obtain a thin necked Vase; fill with salt.
    Tie to tree-trunk within range of monkeys.
    Scout monkeys find salt.
    Alpha male chases scouts and keeps salt to himself.
    Approach Alpha with can of silver paint. (at which point alpha male won't be able to get his hand out of the vase and the others scarper; stupid animals)
    Paint Alpha male silver and cut loose.
    Alpha male will run toward pack, who will shout that a silver monster is chasing them, which will make him run and so-on.

    Effective monkey dispersal techniques.

    Free Member

    who will shout that a silver monster is chasing them

    Awesome 😆

    Free Member


    Just say no, kids.

    There's a word for that and it AINT adultery.. 😕

    Free Member

    I told my eleven year old mate in one sentence that there was no Santa, no tooth fairy, and his teddys definitely did not come alive at night

    I still remeber the sound of his heart breaking!

    In my defence he should have known by age 11 ffs

    Not the worst thing though, as that would turn into a written confession…

    Full Member

    enfht – Member


    Just say no, kids.

    There's a word for that and it AINT adultery..

    Just say "No kids"

    Free Member


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    I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

    Free Member

    Told a small child the ice cream man only rings his bell when he is out of ice cream.

    Free Member

    we've a housemate from hell. he would never buy toothpatse and always use other people's. i filled an old tube with mustard once. that was funny.

    tying my mates shoe laces to a chair whilst he was passed out stoned. he woke up in the dark, stumbled and knocked his front teeth out.

    mate and i found a dead fox one evening and thought it'd be funny to shove a pole up its arse and stand the pole outside another 'friend's' house. we were about 14 at the time. very funny though.

    on a heavier note:
    never thanked or paid back various people i've met over the years – mostly whilst travelling.

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    promising my Granddad I'd do something for him then never doing it before he passed away.

    Free Member

    Smacked someone in the face with an oak table leg!!! Knocked him out and gave him 4 stiches!! Still feel really guilty about it today!

    Free Member

    as a 13 year old, i did not want to go in to school for a test i was going to fail, so slammed front door crept upstairs and lay on bed waiting for my mum to go to work, but this day she brought the clean clothes upstairs before going to work, i could hear her coming along the landing and new i was in trouble, just as she entered my room i lay on the floor she let out a almighty scream, and i said i had fallen over and hit my head, but no bruse and no cuts and mark to my head made her think i had fainted,
    she called my dad home from work and i was taken to hospital for a full brain scan,a rectal exam, blood works the whole nine yards, even got kept in for the night for observations as my aunt was a sister in the hospital and my mother was panicking
    did not dare tell them i was just bunking off!!

    Free Member

    Knocked down the door and threaten the guy to leave my girlfriend (guy was trying to feel her up at work) alone-he wimpered please don't hurt me and cried like a baby as I threatened to kill him. I left him and drove home…

    Thing is, I went to the wrong house/street. Slaps own face…


    Free Member

    i was taken to hospital for a………. rectal exam

    Is that standard procedure when you pass out then ?

    Well that might help to explain why after passing out at that party, I came round to find my underpants on back to front, and a rather sore ar5e.

    Always did wonder ………

    Free Member

    I once nicked a lads sandwiches while he was having an epileptic fit.
    To be fair, he wasnt eating them.

    Full Member

    that wasn't the same epileptic lad that came to the swimming pool I was working at, and when he started fitting I threw in my washing was it?

    Full Member

    Me + Ex Bosses Wife = Divorce.
    Not my proudest moment.

    Full Member

    Fired a rather large firework at a house .
    Went in through the bathroom window , someone was in it. Trumpton , Po Po etc. Made the papers , Im not proud.

    Free Member

    Gave my mate's cat LSD
    good work. Poured an entire bottle of gin into my housemate's fishtank at uni. The fishes behaviour was quite funny until they all died.

    Full Member

    Stole a JCB

    Best not ellaborate

    Full Member

    Arrested for B and E .

    Dad waiting in the Police station for Duty Solicitor, all had words whilst I was in the cells .
    Turned out OK in the end , we went to the pub to celebrate.

    Free Member

    believe what a man tells me! 😆

    Full Member

    In my Green days….GPMG + Sheep + no way to be identified………not my proudest moment. although from what we pieced together, it was quick as it gets.

    recently, got stiffed by a builder who took 10K of kit for his own new build house. refused to pay for the kit claiming a 5yr old disputed invoice as a reason not to pay for an air source heat pump + sundries. went round, no one moved in to the new house yet, squirted a whole 'jumbo' can of expanding foam into the working parts of the ASHP. actually quite proud of that one 🙂

    Free Member

    told a mate who wasn't a cyclist to come belting down a hill and slam the front brake on in front of us 5 drunks at 1am. broken cheek, chipped elbow, smashed glasses, chipped tooth. cheltenham A&E didn't believe him, assumed he'd been scrapping. he was there 6 hours. his wife was very pleased about it all. he was an accountant tho'

    Free Member

    As a lad I was once trying to impress a girl in a youth club disco wearing a white pair of 501s. Farted and followed though.

    Full Member

    As a 15 year old me and a mate made some ANFO (fertiliser and diesel) explosive, stole half a dozen car batteries and various other bits to make it go bang. Used it to blow up the green house of a miserable old git up the road who took exception to our playing of football and various other games in the street. Seems quadrupling the amounts used in our initial experiments wasnt very wise, as we not only destroyed the green house, but blew in all the windows on the back of his house along with half of the next door neighbours windows. I think we were lucky not to kill anyone.
    Not learning from the bo11ocking from the police (an over night in the cells plus full days questioning) and both sets of parents, we went on to putting camping gaz canisters into bales of hay on a mates farm and then set the bales alight. Managed to put one lad in hospital with second degree burns over almost half his body.
    The list of what would now be considered rather serious delinquent behaviour went on for some time, untill a couple of us discovered rock climbing which seemed to channel all the teenage horrid little sh1t delinquent behaviour into the scaring ourselves silly climbing.

    Free Member

    Dropped some LSD in a bottle of milk at a mates house,he had the milk on his cornflakes in the morning,he went to work on a roof 3 storys up, freaked out,it took 4hrs and a call to the Fire Brigade to get him down! 😈

    Free Member

    threw up in a plastic bag on my stag do and then put it on some blokes head by asking him to bow slightly, pulled the bag on by its handles then slapped his head.

    Full Member

    believe what a man tells me!

    You're dead right there aleigh 🙄

    Free Member

    I saw someone being knocked down, then walked past. This was 20 years ago and I regret it to this day.

    I also dumped someone mid-coitus, I stopped before I finished and realised it just wasn't working (in more ways than one).

    Free Member

    Done so many bad things looking back. Luckily not all were widely known. But one or two incidents still refuse to go too far away.

    Free Member

    Copied my primary school friends symptoms as it seemed to get him a lot of time off school. Turned out to be a bad idea as apparently complaining about tightness while peeing means they cut your knob about!

    I was only four or so but remember to this day been sat on the toilet and a nurse saying "if you don't go in five minutes you have to stay in" I was forced to wee…like razorblades.

    Free Member

    Cant tell im still wanted for it

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