Home Forums Bike Forum What house for keeping bike in?

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  • What house for keeping bike in?
  • boblo
    Free Member

    I’m torn. Can’t decide to go for the cheap end of the market and spend the rest on fixtures/fittings/flash bike or go for something realllllly nice and stick with the On-One?

    What do the STW massive recommend?


    Full Member

    It’s more improtant who you’re sharing the house with as to how ‘suitable’ it is for bikes than how much you pay/how big it is, in my experience.

    Free Member

    I am renting at the mo – nice having a garage again… and suspect that when I buy back into the market I still won’t be able to afford something so palacious! I am thinking a mid-market house, with a bit spent on making it nicer… and a bigass shed to keep the bikes, tools, motorbike and anything else in 😉

    Depends what is on the market, and who is willing to take “sensible” offers though (ie downright insulting I should think)

    Free Member

    you need a separate house for your bikes:

    seriously, i couldn’t live without a garage.

    Free Member

    nice rack 😉

    Free Member

    Integral garages are good. That way you can hear the scum trying to break in and nick stuff.

    In all seriousness though I would recommend a Hormann electric sectional door – I’m told it’s much more secure than an up and over and cost me something like £800 and was easy to fit myself. Quote for a home insurance company to fix with a normal crappy door was.. £800 so cost me nothing.

    Electric is more secure, but I feel like people will think I’m a gadget whore or a show-off.

    Free Member

    mrmichaelwright – What have you got those bad boys hanging on? I Need to do something similar in my workshop.

    Free Member

    screw in hooks from b&q, bought them in packs. you get 4 capable of holding a bike and lots of small ones for other stuff. they are coated in red plastic that wears off eventually but can be replaced with tape etc. if they were strong enough and big enough for my demo 9 with 3.1″ tyres and a not inconsiderable 53lbs then they’ll hold most things!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the info. Will check them out on my weekly trip for more bleedin light bulbs..

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