@mjsmke what evidence do have to support, because it’s bs, they are rubber seals and will not permanently deform by gently sliding in a very small round ended needle.
The outer seals keep large particles out, the foam rings protect against dust and water, but neither effect the sliding of the sanctions, that is done by the bushes and relies on an oil film between the bushes and the outside of the inner stations turning a bike upside down the oil just runs inside of the hollow in stanchion, putting oil directly on top of the bush keeps it lubricated and any excess soaks into the foam rings.
Putting anything other than fork oil on them is not a great idea, put a bit of fork oil in a small container and spray some of the silicone spray or whatever else people are using and look what it does to the oil, it will cause it to separate and become less slippery.
At the end of the day, a lowers service can be done in about 30 minutes without any special tools, so do it often, keep the seals clean, the foam rings wet and oil in the lowers and your forks will work fine, if you don’t they will feel crap no matter the damper or settings.