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  • What are the Q’s like after all the rain and sub zero conditions ?
  • bunnerscj
    Free Member

    Anyone tell what the Quantocks are like at the mo. Should be there in 10 days and would like to know what conditions are like ?

    Full Member

    In ten days could the conditions not have changed a lot?


    Sorry- a bank in Dubai woke me up at 5, and I have a sore head.

    Free Member

    He’s right. Wait until nearer the time if you want a meaningful answer.

    Free Member

    Well it’s present state is wet, during the hard frosts, the moisture that would normally drain well has been held in the top 4 inches of ground, now as the top bit thawed the bit below remained frozen, during which time the new years period hunt followers and riders ponced around on this soft surface making it softer and slightly more draggy in places, now it’s been a few weeks without a hard frost and with some reasonable wind it’s draining properly now, which as a result measns the water crossing in the many combes are running fast with in effect has widened them and changed the course in places(but nothing major).

    The drove between crowcombe and triscombe stone is having it’s surface repaired in places, this means tracked vehicles are using it and making this draggy but mostly clean.

    Triscombe singletrack is as expected boggy in places mainly due to it being the access trail to many of the DH trails in the area.

    The Chimney is fine, just look out for the small length of tree in the gully just after the sweeping left hander, but it’s not blocking the line down through the gully.

    Great bear is a mess, but that’s normal for 10 months of the year.

    Somerton is fine just a few loamy spots on the hill traverse, the big ass fallen tree has been cleared(not the one that forms the drop) but be careful of the line through it.

    Smiths is unchanged.

    Weacombe is running well, if a bit of a stream, please keep to the original trail and stop creating a new one on the right, lets keep it singletrack down here please, yes it’s a bit stoney but come on………

    errr….Slaughter house isn’t a bridleway! but as you enter the tree line beware of the mulch you’ll be riding in, there’s rocks and branches lurking…. so stay loose.

    ummmmmmmmmm…….nothing else to note really, other than don’t go in the Plough inn for a pint or coffee as he’s pro hunt/anti mtb and will assume you’re sitting outside….either use the combe house hotel(where you will need to sit outside) or better still go to kilve via pardlestone hill and enjoy the hospitality and fine ales in the hood arms.

    Just one more thing, it’s not any flatter up there, if you play in the puddles and wet bits the sound your bike makes will possibly be expensive.

    Tyres of choice would be rubber ones with knobs on, don’t bother with mud tyres though.

    And finally enjoy it.

    Free Member

    sharki said just about all there is to say, the Bicknoller Inn might be worth a try.

    Free Member

    Aye, Bicknoller is a bit nancy though and the service i’ve experienced was shocking.

    I’m just promoting the Hood as he has mtb mags by the fireside and is making plans for a bike storage and washing facilities for riders staying there.

    Full Member

    Weacombe is running well, if a bit of a stream, please keep to the original trail and stop creating a new one on the right, lets keep it singletrack down here please, yes it’s a bit stoney but come on………

    While we’re at it, can everyone stop dragging their brakes down the opening section too? It’s not that steep and fast.
    At the moment the braking bumps are like the ones in Morzine. 🙁

    Free Member

    Agreed, but it’s not just the bikes, there’s a spring just at the top by bicknoller post so alot of water get to run through the grass down there.

    I found last sunday that by going stooopidly fast it feels alot better, even on my bicycle.

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