So I flogged the Yeti 575, bought a Spesh Pitch Pro for £998 delivered and pocketed a few hundred quid.
I’d had an 04 Stumpy FSR before the Yeti and loved it. I could give it it a right old ragging and hoped the Yeti would be more of the same, but better in every way.
Now granted, the Yeti was a lovely bike but it always felt a bit, err, ‘remote’ to me, like I was never quite in charge. I also found the suspension a bit wallowy sometimes, and I never got full travel. ‘Twas superb on the Trans Wales, mind…
In the end I put most of the problems down to the flexy (carbon) rear end I’d opted for…..
So anyway, I buys me a Pitch.
Now taking out the box I can see it’s a heavy, slack ol’ beast and I wasn’t expecting it to climb all that well. And faffing about on the road outside I reckon the seat’s a bit nasty, the bars a tad narrow and the (coil) forks a bit undersprung for my weight: Too much sag for my liking.
Today I went out for a ride, and sure enough, I was right. It goes up, but that’s it really. It’s a bit heavy and slack and feels a bit slow on the flat. The bars are a bit narrow. The fork is a bit soft.
"It’s a new bike, I’ll get used to it"
I did a longish ride, 25 miles or so, and took in some swoopy, bermy singletrack in Swinley and the bike starts to come out of it’s shell a little bit, I could see the potential emerging, even in the mud… So on the way home I took in a section of trail known locally as ‘Fenceline’. It’s very rooty in places. There are drop offs. (Usually a foot or so)
And basically, all hell broke loose!
There’s a couple of bits where the trail has cut down into the ground from the flat, leaving ‘shoulders’ on each side. I’ve never even looked at them before. Not ever. But on my first run down I spotted one to my left, very close to the fence, and just jumped it. It’s probably 2ft…
I went absolutely hammering down, laughing like a loon. I hit the roots faster than I ever have dared before (They come all together) then spotted another ,much larger, shoulder further down and looked at it as I shot past.
2nd run I jumped it. The bike just hits the floor smoothly, no wobbling, no bouncing, no rattles and soaks it up so you can look for the next one.
One word – Astonishing.
Now I’ve ridden a few bikes in my time, but this is the best by far. Not just the best for the money. Just THE BEST. It blows the Yeti into the weeds.
All the little things like the forks and the bars disappear when you point it downhill. They simply don’t figure. The suspension is perfect: So controlled, so well damped, not harsh, not ‘plush’ – Taut. Exact. Unobtrusive.
It does what it says on the tin, and then some….
This is what I wanted, my old Stumpy, just more of it.