Home Forums Bike Forum Wedding ring – not wearing but keeping on me when cycling?

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  • Wedding ring – not wearing but keeping on me when cycling?
  • krixmeister
    Full Member

    Yeah – strange question, I know. And deserve any and all sarky comments. But it comes from a genuine place!

    I don’t like wearing my wedding ring when doing any sports – gym, cycling, hillwalking etc. A combination of worrying about losing/damaging it, and/or breaking a finger wearing it (I have done that / different finger), and/or just general don’t like wearing stuff on my hands. Plus – lifting weights/etc just doesn’t feel right or feels like it’s scoring the ring on the bar.

    So – current solution is I take my ring off, then forget about it for days/weeks. This bothers me FAR more than it bothers my wife BTW. But it does bother me.

    When having ankle surgery I noticed my anaesthesiologist wore his ring on a necklace. Sounds like and idea – but want something that wouldn’t break and/or wear the ring down.

    So the question is – and again I recognise the likelihood of useful answers from this lot is low! – what’s a solution for carrying my wedding ring with me that doesn’t involve wearing it, losing it, stuffing it into a pocket etc and forgetting about it (ie same as losing it), or wearing it down with constant metal on metal?

    Have at it…

    Full Member

    Yeah I don’t wear mine for the same reasons.
    I might get it tattooed on but I can’t be arsed.

    Full Member

    Have you considered a knob piercing?

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    Cheap carabina and clip it to whatever bag/piece of clothing/house key you are likely to open or remove at the end of a ride. 

    If you drive to ride clip to car key is good. 

    Full Member

    A different perspective from your original question, why not consider wearing a silicone ring

    That way, the reminder of your marriage vows and commitment remains visible to you, but is safe for all exercise, woodworking, cycling and so on without risking damaging your finger or the metal ring

    You can then choose each day which ring to wear (metal or silicone) depending on your planned activities

    Silicone wedding ring

    Full Member

    As Charlie says I wear a silicone one all the time now, so comfy and proper one says safe in a draw.



    Paracord/550 cord, tie a reef knot so it’s joined then ring hitch it to your ring. For extra security you could also fit a rubber friction cord lock.

    Full Member

    Silicone +1.

    I wear my ‘proper’ one most of the time. When riding I switch it for a silicone one (I found one that matches the design of my white gold and jet wedding ring pretty closely). the ‘real’ ring goes in the box that the silicone one is stored in while I’m riding – that way I don’t (usually) forget to switch back once I’m home again.

    Full Member

    I should do something like this. 18 years and I’ve nearly worn through my finger… and the ring isn’t fairing much better.


    Full Member

    I just don’t like wearing rings as work or any sports (or at all really) so wear mine around my neck on a cord. Currently a leather cord, but previously I just had a length of para cord. That way I can have it on me at work and while active.

    quite a few of my friends switch theirs out for those silicon bands, but I don’t really see the point in that.

    Full Member

    It’s a watch but a ring should be just as safe

    Full Member

    I have a small stainless clip on my Jerry’s and my ring gets attached to that for sports

    Free Member

    Don’t be worried about scratches. Just like on a bike frame they tell a story of life lived.

    Full Member

    I have a Velcro loop watch strap that I can poke through the ring.

    Full Member

    Titanium ring here. Bad idea. Looks as good as it did 20 years ago. But 20 years of getting older and I’m pretty sure I’ll not get it off again. I did take it off 4 ior 5 years ago when I lost a lot of weight suddenly then put the sodding thing back on ans but I put a little bit back on now and my knuckle is a bit older and lumpier. If I had an accident that required surgery on that finger I’m genuinely not sure what would happen.

    If I had my time again I don’t think Id have one so I didn’t therefore have one to get stuck, forget and generally mess up.

    Full Member

    I take it off and clip it to my keys on a wee battered alpnit smallie carabinier.
    I have toyed with a silicone one but never bothered.
    The ring is all scratched, mainly from work.

    Full Member

    Just get ‘married’ tastefully tattooed on your forehead , then you don’t need the ring.
    (I think the idea of a tattooed ring is actually the most sensible but the jewellery shops  wouldn’t be happy :-) )
    I think I only ever wore my ring for about a week, I really don’t like jewellery that much but tbh Daddy DOD never wore his and he is  most pious :-)

    Have you considered a knob piercing?

    could be an exciting new trend, renew your vows and have your ring er re-fitted.

    Full Member

    The sight of me in cycle kit or gym wear is enough on it’s own that i don’t need a wedding ring to ward of unwanted advances.

    MrsMC agrees with me on this

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    Just get ‘married’ a thumbprint tastefully tattooed on your forehead


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    I have a silicon ring for running as hand tends to swell a little bit, but I am less worried about de-gloving it when I fall over.

    I have the finger tattooed with Mrs Panda’s name, for other times not wearing a ring (DIY, canal boating)

    For cycling I have a dog-tags (I have Cystic Fibrosis , so that is sensible generally), on a long silver chain, and I just clip my ring into the chain. You know it is there as it jingles in the summer, and when you take off your HRM strap you are prompted to take off tags, and put ring on. I have done leather straps and thin paracord before, but I am weary about anything round my neck that wont snap if it is caught up in a bad way (not sure how, but…). Anyway this silver chain has worked well last 4 years.

    Hope that helps.


    Full Member

    Have you considered a knob piercing?

    Came on here to recommend not searching for “degloving injuries”…

    Free Member

    Why do you need to carry it with you , just leave it at home.

    Or can you not trust yourself, and it’s there to warn off the 100’s swooning at your feet?

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    Free Member
    same as @morecashthandash

    MrsMC says you look a **** in lycra as weel?

    Full Member

    I have a Velcro loop watch strap that I can poke through the ring.

    This sounds painful 

    Free Member

    Have you considered a divorce?

    Full Member

    I wear two wedding rings, neither of them mine.  I do wear them all the time.and one has cut into my finger like Reeksy   If I took them on and off I would fear losing them.


    Free Member

    what’s a solution for carrying my wedding ring with me that doesn’t involve wearing it, losing it, stuffing it into a pocket etc and forgetting about it (ie same as losing it), or wearing it down with constant metal on metal?

    Swallow it, simples.
    As long as your exercise never lasts more than a day at a time you’re sorted.

    Full Member

    We got titanium rings as you know  – cycling :D

    I have worn mine on a chain around my neck for 13+ years as I can’t do with wearing rings on my fingers.

    No damage to chain or ring in that time, and I never take it off – outside of where I have to.

    Full Member

    I just don’t wear mine ever. And yet I’m still happily married.

    Silicone does seem like a good compromise but maybe get a ring stand so you always have a known place to stash your nice one when you swap.

    Full Member

    I don’t wear mine when riding both (or swimming) to minimise degloving risk and because it’s quite a loose fit.

    My solution is to just clip in on my keyring, most of our sets of keys in the house have a carabineer type thingy or two and a lanyard so they’re quite hard to lose.

    I’ve also looped it through my watchstrap in the past, again hard to lose, but a bit more annoying.

    Full Member

    Bathroom cabinet next to my toothbrush. Next time I clean my teeth, I see the ring and put it back on. Simple!

    When we are away from home and I’m “doing something”, I sometimes ask my wife to wear my wedding ring for a bit. She loves that :-)

    Full Member

    I’ve lost two rings, and current one is titanium. I do make sure I’ve got gloves on. Doesn’t bear thinking about if I damaged the finger with a ti ring on. Would wearing it round your neck be OK, OP.

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    I’ve been married ten years and I doubt I’ve worn my (titanium) wedding ring more than 10 days. 

    It’s in the house somewhere. Upstairs I think.

    Mrs crumb told me not to bother as I’d never wear it, as per usual she was correct.

    I have skinny fingers with bigger knuckles so it felt loose, coupled with being a fabricator I didn’t fancy arcing up on it. Can’t wear jewellery in my current job. Might come in handy as a spacer one day.

    Free Member

    Only just started wearing my ring now that I have a desk job, doesn’t really bother me taking it off though. Also don’t fancy someone potentially having to cut it off given its tungsten carbide.

    Full Member

    Silicone ring for daily wear – practical and is still a symbol of our unbroken union.

    White and yellow gold is now saved for special occasions.

    Full Member

    @convert & @fossy titanium isn’t that cut resistant, stabdard hospital ring cutter or similar will do it.

    they wouldn’t cut off a tungsten ring, it would be snapped with vice grips.

    For the OP, fwiw I’ve got a Ti ring and wear it for everything. Hasn’t been off in 13 years for more than about 5 minutes.

    Free Member

    They’d have the fun of finding out first though (assuming I’d be out cold)

    Free Member

    Never understood wedding rings for blokes (unless you like wearing jewellery)  Dad never wore one, he’s been married 60 years or something, I’ve never worn one, been married around 25 years. Never understood wedding anniversaries either to be fair – what’s the difference between one day or the next? Just buy some flowers or a prezzie when you feel the urge not when the calendar tells you you should. I’d lose an expensive ring about 5 minutes after I put it on. I think every one of my mates has lost his at some point.

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    Married for 40 years, never had a ring, couldn’t afford it at the time. Don’t need a symbol to remind me. Also worked in a practical environment where a couple of work mates had injuries made worse by their ring.

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