It’s at a fun decent for sure well captured on film and a “legal” bridleway { as the rules say wayback in 1968… but thats another topic Wiki Bridaleway no mention of bikes here}
The real challenge mention above is the climb up from Watendlath it has been cleaned way back early’00 by legends like sy and friends but hey kudos to anyone that can ride and film that. Reminds me of the early days of climbing when routes where un certain, a free for all “Lets try that” kinda attitude. Seems the mtb community has taken on the ski style grading blue, red, black! but surly there’s a cardio {distance and gradient} aspect and the tech challenge {obstcales} to consider before a route can be graded. {Cleaned}
I’m new here!! Do the Watendlath TV peeps know of a post that discusses the current grading system for tech 26” MTB big hill accents/decents…