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  • Walkie Talkies
  • Harry_the_Spider
    Full Member

    Has anybody used Motorola TLKR T7s?

    If so what sort of range are you getting over hilly and wooded terrain?

    Does anybody have experience with any other type of walkie talkie?


    Free Member

    I tried the, err, legal ones. They’re pants.

    I’ve got 19km GMRS ones which work OK to 5 miles through bits of woods. No good if a hill is in the way. We’ve used them for 24hr racing, but generally they’re more hassle than they’re worth. Mobile phones are more useful.

    Free Member

    oregon scientifics – about 5km when skiing and when out and about with the kids, we always take them on holiday
    i’m assuming the motorolas are rechargeable

    Full Member

    Something that works well for skiers would be ideal.

    Full Member

    legal hand held walkie talkies are useless over more than “across a field” line of sight is about the best you can hope for. In trees that goes down to about shouting distance. As 5th mentions, mobiles are more reliable

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