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  • veggie BBQ
  • antigee
    Free Member

    are you planning on have a separate veggie grill? i use one of those disposables for the real veggie people as i’m pretty sure they don’t real want beef grease on their veg’ kebabs

    Free Member

    I hadn’t thought about the separate grill issue…
    ok you guys that are veggies ( and is “veggie” a derogative term? )
    would you want a separate grill?

    what about a really good grill cleaning and separate zones?

    ( hey… I’m not even gonna be there.. weather permitting )

    Full Member

    yep proper veggies don’t want hot beef dribbling down their lips. So there are 2 methods
    – one is cook the veggie food first; trouble is if the veggie food is any good then the omnivories eat all the veggie food.
    – have a separate veggie grill

    Free Member

    The only thing I find Quorn any good for is making a lasagne or chilli…the “mince” (I know, I know….) is just a good way of bulking it out.

    Sometimes I uses it, sometimes I don’ts…I know what it’s there for but no need to go eejitising people who use it occasionally.

    I recently gave some of the chilli to a raving carnivore of a friend…I still haven’t told him 😆

    Free Member

    d’ooh forget about english veggies 😉
    Forget about the prawn and fish then.
    As fro the grill , if it’s big enough cant you use half of it for meat and the other half for non meet?

    Free Member

    juan — she’s actually an American veggie.. I think thats worse.

    and yes… thats me an American speaking.

    Free Member

    she’s actually an American veggie…

    photos please. and mobile number. ha!

    Free Member

    ROFL at xx
    What is an american veggie???

    Free Member

    an american, who is vegetarian.
    generally speaking, i like both.
    and if it’s a lady, then all the better…

    Free Member

    LOL at XX again, I though it was like a brit/continental veggie. Differences in the veggetarianism, however, if you consider only dating veggie girls, you should not give not very tolerant meat heater the stick, as you are as intolerant as they are.

    Free Member

    that’s not entirely true juan.
    firstly, where have i given intolerant meat eaters any stick? all i said here was “here we go” when the inevitable usual antagonistic type post appeared.
    secondly, i’m not criticizing girls/women for not being veggie simply by not wanting to date them, and many would even probably see it as being a positive thing that i’m not interested! i suppose that you could say that i’m intolerant, but it’s hardly the same as trying to start arguments or prove someone ‘wrong’ or whatever, is it?
    but hey, let’s not go there. that’s not what this thread is about so with that in mind, i’m not going to discuss this any further.

    PS one of my best mates is french; he moved to england from bordeaux last year because he is vegan and couldn’t stand to live in france any longer with it being so difficult to get good vegan food at restaurants etc (he’s a rubbish cook so he can’t make meals himself from fresh veggies and stuff!)

    Free Member

    but hey, let’s not go there. that’s not what this thread is about so with that in mind, i’m not going to discuss this any further.

    Works for me..

    Free Member

    A veggie(or certainly I would) will expect a seperate grill thats why I mentioned it (I am a vegan like XherbivoreX) and yes lets not go there again.You cant really share I am afraid IMHO.Disposable works well
    PS your guest will be used to it and will just appreciate the effort you have gone to be a good host.

    Free Member

    xherb… shes a looker too.. blonde californian..and ohhhh sooooo cute.

    ( and me a married man !! )

    Free Member

    shes a looker too.. blonde californian..and ohhhh sooooo cute.

    ha, i wouldn’t stand a chance in that case!

    Free Member

    well… truth be told…. neither would I.

    and if mrs. G ever heard me say this I wouldn’t stand much of a chance their either. *L*

    Free Member

    but again.. thanks for the BBQ tips… just hope the weather holds.

    Free Member

    I’ve just e-mailed your missus about the californian hot veggie grynch. She says she’s planning on cooking one very special sausage on the barbecue now – sais she’d let you know when it needed to go on.

    Free Member


    hey… I’ll be away at the concert with a bunch of long haired american types by the time HER party starts.. I won’t even get to see ANY of the guests.

    Free Member

    btw as there is a few vegan on here do you eat shoes or something? There is a vegan shoes thread on the bike forum and I kinda don’t get it…

    Free Member

    no we don’t eat shoes juan, but being vegan isn’t restricted to dietary choices; it’s about avoiding the use of animal-derived products to the best of your ability in all areas of life so we tend to not wear leather, wool, silk, suede etc.
    sure, there are flaws in the ideology but the key is “to the best of your ability”… that is, if there’s a non-animal based alternative that’s available and suitable then we’ll take that option (or avoid entirely if that’s possible).

    Free Member

    I made a vegan cry once… not proud but she walked by as me and mate were talking about going out for a steak.

    poor thing was a bit high strung… burst into tears and fled from the room.

    Free Member

    xherb… no wool?.. no silk ?( suede and leather I knew ) .. but harvesting silk and wool don’t kill the animal… so what is the issue?


    Free Member

    girl I worked with that was vegan.. she said shoes were the worst.. we lived in NewENgland and you needed heavy proper shoes winter time there.

    often she just wore hemp shoes that really didn’t stand up.

    Free Member

    Wow that is a bit extrem… So you’d rather use env unfriendly substitutes 🙁

    Free Member

    Juan, many would say that the intensive farming of animals to provide wool, leather, meat, fur, milk etc. is environmentally unfriendly in itself and also exploits the animals…but that’s another thread entirely.

    Free Member

    Fair enough DD, I’ll stop as it’s not the thread point.

    Free Member

    grynch – Member
    xherb… no wool?.. no silk ?( suede and leather I knew ) .. but harvesting silk and wool don’t kill the animal… so what is the issue?


    basically, yes. cows aren’t being killed for us to have milk either, but vegans avoid it and all its derivatives.
    silk is somewhat contentious though (as is honey), but personally i avoid.
    wool… well, i’m slightly conflicted over the MAPP endorsed merino as it would appear to be a better option than (as juan pointed out) the environmentally less friendly synthetic/oil based alternatives. but it’s still coming from a sheep… i dunno, it gets so complex. which is why i usually keep this stuff to myself…

    Free Member

    cows aren’t being killed for us to have milk either

    I beg to differ but how do you make a cow produce milk? They don’t do it automatically you know. You make the cow calf and when the calf is born it is either made part of the dairy herd or it is sold into the meat industry.

    Free Member

    oh good grief.

    yes, you’re right, but my point was that the actual act of obtaining milk does not result in the death of the cow.

    but i’m well aware of the horrendous workings of the commercial dairy industry and the way the cows/calves are (can be, anyway) mistreated, hence why i haven’t bought/eaten any dairy products at all for close to 20 years…

    and before anyone else has a go, if you’re a dairy farmer or you just are quite happy to consume dairy products, then good for you. i’m not trying to change your mind or anything. these are MY choices and that’s all.

    Free Member

    Aubergines sliced lengthways roughly quarter inch thick, oiled and grilled just enough to go bendy – use to wrap around large cubes of mozzarella plus shreds of basil and slices raw garlic. Hold together with cocktail sticks and pop on the bbq until cheese starts to escape. Make plenty extra, because everyone will scoff them.

    Free Member

    ok.. and I don’t want to start any issues here… but thanks for sharing your views xherb… I really appreciate it.

    Free Member

    ohh.. sad note?..
    I asked mrs.G what she was planning as a starter tonight..

    foie gras for the “normal” fold ( sorry xherb ).. with a griddled chevre salad for the veggie…

    but foie gras? I actually had to laugh.

    Free Member

    and thanks glenP

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