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  • ‘Up to 8 meg’, but what is your ACTUAL broadband speed?
  • MoreCashThanDash
    Full Member

    I’m with Virgin and for the last week our connection has been just making it up to 1Mbps – but we live over a mile from an exchange in an internet mad village, and we know it is not down to our provider

    Free Member

    Paying Virgin Media for a 10mbit broadband and getting 10mbit. Wasnt so good before when had an Virgin L 4mbit service, but got an free upgrade.

    My uncle has a BT up to 8mbit but he was getting about 6-7mbit.

    And my friend who lives outside Edinburgh got something from BT that was supposed to be up to 3mbit (max in his area) but was getting 1 mbit tops and because of the fair usage policy during the day he was getting even less than that.

    Im happy with mine. 🙂

    Free Member

    2886kb/s in work right now, which is rather better than I expected, as our huge pipes tend to get rather clogged up at lunchtime! Will try again this evening before I go…

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