Home Forums Bike Forum Unhappy Sick Bicycles Customers. BEWARE!

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  • Unhappy Sick Bicycles Customers. BEWARE!
  • chakaping
    Full Member

    If that was the case they’d be loudly blaming PP for the mess they are in, I’m certain.

    Free Member

    Nuffink to do wiv me , guv.

    It was like that when I got ‘ere.

    Full Member

    That I doubt PP. You probably threw some banana skins down or something

    Free Member

    PJ, what about the Indiegogo cash .. no PayPal interference there.

    Full Member

    PerchyPanther is Donkey Kong??

    Free Member

    More like Wonkey Dong, amirite?

    Free Member

    what about the Indiegogo cash

    What is Indiegogo cash?

    Accounts will be due soon for public perusal ,will show coke and prostitutes as expenditure no doubt.

    Free Member

    More like Wonkey Dong, amirite?

    Bloody EU,  oppressing me with their rules.

    Free Member

    Money raised through indiegogo that they would have recieved into their bank.
    Sorry, use of the word cash was perhaps misleading.

    Free Member

    how many different routes for payment have these guys had then?

    indiegogo (crowdfunding) (which end customer could poss have used paypal for)
    gpay (google pay)

    wouldnt shock me if these guys paid themselves an executive salary for their awesome company.

    you know what this reminds me of? a few years ago skateboarding went through a big DIY company phase. every wannabe kid his dog had a “t-shirt company” with their own logo on, did limited runs and sold them to their mum/mates and if the local shop was clueless there too (hopefully on sale-or-return). a bit later people cottoned on that the companies that made decks for the big dogs would do short runs too so some of them jumped straight to that. they undercut brands that gave back to the scene and community. it diluted the industry and killed and/or respawned a generation of the national brands. the little ones never went anywhere because there wasn’t big enough market for them. this seems like that on a bigger scale – but with bigger money at stake thats gone out of control.

    Free Member

    Judging by the comments on Indiegogo they haven’t been sending out all of the perk items either…

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Seems there been a recent update on indiegogo (well, more recent than insta anyway… 27/5)

    I goofed
    I had the sudden realisation that you are not all on the same mailing list, so I am updating here too.

    I’m sure you have seen the “fun” that is going on over at Sick HQ at the moment. Let me start off by saying that we are not going anywhere, and this actually doesn’t affect your pledges at all. Those are separate pots of funds, and separate project managers.

    We have moved to a large manufacturer who has just started tooling ready for building, there are a couple of minor changes to the frame, but only improvements, will get you all some piccies of the designs in the next update. A lot of the smaller things should have filtered out too – I understand there are a few smaller pieces outstanding; I’m currently chasing suppliers for this now. I’ll update you all here as the mailing lists aren’t hitting the spot in terms of reach.

    Thank you for your continued support in these difficult times for us, and thank you for those who have sent well-wishes on too.
    Together we can do this.

    Sick x

    Never heard any of that before…

    Free Member

    I’m no doubt going to get in trouble for this but I call..

    Free Member

    Judging by the comments on Indiegogo they haven’t been sending out all of the perk items either…

    Sudden realization Jordan isn’t on the same planet.

    Free Member

    separate project managers

    Project managers, eh?

    Full Member

    Project managers- probably like Two Ronnies sketches where they were dressed in different costumes on left & right side to play 2 separate characters each.

    Full Member

    I’ll update you all here as the mailing lists aren’t hitting the spot in terms of reach.

    So no one is buying your bikes or reading your bolleaux words any more…?

    Funny that.

    Free Member

    Those are separate pots of funds, and separate project managers.

    Oh ffs. They really are just little boys putting on daddy’s suit and pretending to be Mr Bigshot CEO of Bigbusiness.com aren’t they 🙄

    Free Member

    F me really?!

    Full Member

    Oh leave off you haters. So the separate project managers bit is taking the piss but they do have separate pots of funds. Tim has £127 cold hard cash and Jordan has £15 in used fivers, £4.11 in loose change, 12 Pokemon cards (4 rares) and half a packet of chewits which have gone a bit soft from being in his pocket while he was climbing trees scrumping apples.

    Free Member

    So which bikes are the new large manufacturer making?
    Which ones are coming from China (or have they landed yet?) and is Frank The Welder making the Gnarpoons? And what frames did Marino make? I’m confused, we need a spreadsheet.

    Free Member

    half a packet of chewits which have gone a bit soft from being in his pocket while he was climbing trees scrumping apples.


    Full Member

    I’m assuming we’re onto an African frame builder now? Running out of continents!

    Mashr – Project Manager (but not for Sick 🙁)

    Free Member

    I’m assuming we’re onto an African frame builder now?

    “Dear Friend,

    As a representative of the LORD Jordan OF WORTHING I am able to approach you for your valuable assistance to onshore quantity TWENTY (BRITISH) Gnarcissist frames that are surplus to requirements from the Royal COURT of Nigeria.

    If you can provide me with your bank account details WITH HASTE i will be able to include you in the first release of THIS VALUABLE PRODUCT!!!!

    In friendship,

    George Agdgdgwngo
    Transhipment Specialist
    Sick! Bicycle Company”

    Free Member

    Wow nearly as many haters as customers.

    Watch this space for a second coming.

    Free Member

    I could go a chewit right now….

    Full Member

    “this actually doesn’t affect your pledges at all. Those are separate pots of funds”

    Full Member

    So which bikes are the new large manufacturer making?
    Sleipnirs (6 of them to fulfill pledges)

    Which ones are coming from China (or have they landed yet?)
    *Taiwan, Sesh & Shrike (unknown but doubtful, as IIRC sick say they still need painting)

    and is Frank The Welder making the Gnarpoons?
    Apparently so, haven’t heard anything from either side saying he isn’t. That’s 4 frames to fulfill indiegogo pledges, plus ‘stock’.

    And what frames did Marino make?
    Mostly wulf and wulf AMs but a couple of Deathwish’s

    I *think*. Happy to be corrected.

    Free Member

    Watch this space for a second coming.

    Astroturfer 2 – The Second Coming

    Full Member

    12 Pokemon cards (4 rares) and half a packet of chewits which have gone a bit soft from being in his pocket while he was climbing trees scrumping apples.

    *Doffs cap*

    Free Member

    Full Member

    ‘Update’ on the gnarpoon, from the same time as the Sleipnir. Might sound familiar.

    I goofed
    I had the sudden realisation that you are not all on the same mailing list, so I am updating here too.

    I’m sure you have seen the “fun” that is going on over at Sick HQ at the moment. Let me start off by saying that we are not going anywhere, and this actually doesn’t affect your pledges at all. Those are separate pots of funds, and separate project managers.

    Frank has now moved to his new location and is starting on the bikes as I type.
    Everyone should have got the disgustingly brilliant stems by now and a lot of the smaller things should have filtered out too – I understand there are a few smaller pieces outstanding; I’m currently chasing suppliers for this now. I’ll update you all here as the mailing lists aren’t hitting the spot in terms of reach.

    Thank you for your continued support in these difficult times for us, and thank you for those who have sent well-wishes on too.
    Together we can do this still.

    Sick x

    No wonder they’re skint, paying all those PMs…

    Full Member

    Oh and the delivery date for those frames that Frank is ‘starting as I type’ was March. That update is a week old.

    Free Member

    Is anyone stupid enough to make anything without 200% payment up front.

    Free Member


    Does it just say “**** off” under the cup? 🙂

    Free Member

    Amusing comment over on PB about the stems…

    nojzilla wrote:
    OMG those stems
    looks like somebody vajazzled a brick


    Free Member
    Full Member

    “The Vajazzled Brick” was the working title of a rejected adult Lego movie.

    Free Member

    which one was lee?

    jordan & tim – face of sick/grumpy social meeja whoors
    joe – crayons
    lee – ?

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