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  • UKPC PARKING FINE,little wife in tears
  • grum
    Free Member

    I’m not remotely offended by use of the phrase ‘little wife’ but it’s definitely patronising and demeaning. Zokes – you have a nickname for your wife, fine, but would you really refer to her as that amongst a group of people you didn’t know?

    All this ‘being offended on someone’s behalf’ stuff is a bit of a smokescreen tbh when people don’t have actual reasons to justify their behaviour/attitudes. Quite an easy way to deflect justified criticism.

    Free Member

    [whine] I’m offended on behalf of Stephen Fry due to you referring to folk being offended on someone’s behalf as a smokescreen. [/whine]

    Free Member

    Maybe we all will, but it’s more likely we’ll learn how many folk have a chip on their shoulder or unresolved issues they need to deal with.


    Free Member

    Well well, it’s all a bit odd, isn’t it.
    A couple of people have got offended on behalf of someone else who they think may be offended by a question that they think may be offensive to another person.

    Some people have noted that the term “little wife” could be construed as a derogatory term. ie “little Bush” a derogatory term used by some opponents of George W Bush.

    No-one other than the OP knows why he referred to his wife as “little wife” in the thread title. It may be because he wanted to help portray his wife as a victim in the car park story, hence also using “poor wife” in the thread.
    Or it may be because she is physically small.

    I am not offended, never was, I promise, I really don’t get offended by what other people say. Freedom of speech etc

    What a man, who i’ve never met, calls his wife is absolutely none of my business.
    BUT when someone refers to his wife on an open public forum in a way that is confusing, I believe it’s ok to be intrigued
    I am always intrigued when people treat other people differently, by default, because they have slightly different skin pigmentation, or boobs. I just find it odd.
    There we go, I was intrigued, and asked a question. Is that ok? I’m not sure any more.
    I hope this post hasn’t offended anyone

    Free Member

    Seems like the people getting most offended are those who are complaining about others they’ve decided are offended (none of whom have actually said they are offended).

    Free Member

    Seems like the people getting most offended are those who are complaining about others they’ve decided are offended (none of whom have actually said they are offended).


    Free Member

    can we have a show of hands for anyone who was actually offended?

    Free Member

    I’m not offended. It’s happened to me on here though, I posted a picture of my then ‘Girlfriend’ who at the time was about 53 & some buffoon said ‘well she may be a nice enough person but she’s definately not a girl’ The said buffoon obviously couldn’t grasp the fact that ‘ladyfriend’ or ‘womanfriend’ sounds ridiculous. I could’ve said ‘partner’ but didn’t.

    Anyway, this forum is an excellent example of buffoonishnes, as always.

    Free Member

    Seems like the people getting most offended are those who are complaining about others they’ve decided are offended (none of whom have actually said they are offended).

    Semantic bollox…


    In all seriousness, I don’t think any of this is of any help to the OP, so best to butt-out now.

    BTW, I’m not offended buy very much in life TBH, and certainly not by a written point of view of someone I’ve never met.

    Free Member


    Sorry. Guilty as charged.

    (good word, well used)

    Free Member

    Zokes – you have a nickname for your wife, fine, but would you really refer to her as that amongst a group of people you didn’t know?

    Well, as she had the nickname before I met her, you’ll have to try harder than that to be offended on her behalf, my little forumite.

    I’m getting a little bored of all this hand wringing from little-minded people on this little chat forum with nothing better to do than be a little offended on a little someone else’s little behalf. It’s become a little game really – who can spot the most innocuous little thing and blow it a little out of proportion. I’m a little offended, to be a little honest.

    Free Member

    You big poof…

    Free Member

    Oh NOW I’m offended!

    Free Member

    But in a big way, right…?

    Free Member

    Well, as she had the nickname before I met her, you’ll have to try harder than that to be offended on her behalf, my little forumite.

    As I’ve already said, I’m not remotely offended – I don’t get why you keep saying that. 😕

    Imagine you were recounting a story involving your wife to, say, a group of work colleagues who don’t know her – are you really saying you would refer to her as ‘little bear’? Or even ‘my little wife’? Pretty weird thing to do IMO.

    You could argue some people over-reacted, but nowhere near as much as you’re over-reacting now….

    Free Member

    Gah, just can’t seem to stop the buffoon emerging from within…

    Free Member

    You could argue some people over-reacted, but nowhere near as much as you’re over-reacting now….

    Some people did over react. But it’s a little ironic that your little self is trying in some little way to tell another forumite how and how not he should refer to his little wife, who he definitely will never meet.

    You must be such a big man.

    Free Member

    Have you been drinking? 🙂

    But it’s a little ironic that your little self is trying in some little way to tell another forumite how and how not he should refer to his little wife, who he definitely will never meet.

    Nope, just commenting on it. 😕

    Free Member

    Indeed, as were some on the point of others taking offence but you misconstrued that as offence.

    You can’t have it both ways…

    Free Member

    Not really getting why zokes is so desperate to cause offence here whilst desperatedly trying to argue offence is never given and people get offended on behalf of folk 😕

    Not read the thread and I doubt it will be worth it

    Free Member

    Ask yourself this – if the word wife was replaced with husband, would you respond in the same fashion. If not, then surely discrimination is taking place…

    Free Member

    Nope, just commenting on it.

    In the little context of suggesting that I’m overreacting a little, whilst you’ve gone to the length to tell someone you’ll never meet how to refer to his wife, who you’ll also never meet. That was the little irony I was referring to.

    Have you been drinking?

    Nope, just woken up

    Free Member

    Ask yourself this – if the word wife was replaced with husband, would you respond in the same fashion. If not, then surely discrimination is taking place…

    Depends whether or not they were physically small, otherwise it would make little sense.

    Not really getting why zokes is so desperate to cause offence here whilst desperatedly trying to argue offence is never given and people get offended on behalf of folk

    Well, for starters, if i’d been trying to cause a little offense, I’d have chosen a far more suitable word that ‘little’, which no matter how hard (or how little) you try is really not offensive in the slightest.

    Free Member


    Nuff said…

    Free Member

    whilst you’ve gone to the length to tell someone you’ll never meet how to refer to his wife

    Again, no I didn’t.

    Ask yourself this – if the word wife was replaced with husband, would you respond in the same fashion. If not, then surely discrimination is taking place…

    Ask yourself this – would it ever be? If not, then surely discrimination is taking place. 😉

    Indeed, as were some on the point of others taking offence but you misconstrued that as offence.
    You can’t have it both ways…

    You can’t have it both ways – either commenting on other people’s behaviour/speech is ok or it’s not. Why do you think it’s ok for you to do (criticising the ‘professionally offended’ etc) but not for other people (when you don’t like their opinions)?

    Free Member

    Not read the thread and I doubt it will be worth it

    Notes this down in my STW logbook 😉

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Ask yourself this – would it ever be? I not, then surely discrimination is taking place.

    I asked myself – the answer’s just up there, but I’ll repeat it just for your little self:

    Depends whether or not they were physically small, otherwise it would make little sense.

    Also, for the little bit where you weren’t telling me how to refer to my little wife, here’s what you wrote:

    Zokes – you have a nickname for your wife, fine, but would you really refer to her as that amongst a group of people you didn’t know?

    Free Member

    You can’t have it both ways – either commenting on other people’s behaviour/speech is ok or it’s not. Why do you think it’s ok for you to do (criticising the ‘professionally offended’ etc) but not for other people (when you don’t like their opinions)?

    I yield. You’re obviously so much righter than me…

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member

    OOOOOH! A little flounce! 😉

    Free Member

    I yield. You’re obviously so much righter than me…

    CBA to actually debate the point but had to get a sarky dig in at the last minute eh? I’m offended. 🙂

    Also, for the little bit where you weren’t telling me how to refer to my little wife, here’s what you wrote:

    Zokes – you have a nickname for your wife, fine, but would you really refer to her as that amongst a group of people you didn’t know?

    I never told you what to do. I asked you a question (which you didn’t answer). You can do what you like (and I can think what I like about it). You’re really behaving quite bizarrely. 😕

    Free Member

    Ask yourself this – would it ever be? If not, then surely discrimination is taking place.

    Surely it’s only a concern for the two parties involved – the husband and wife. I take no offence either way but clearly others did. You just started-up with semantic nonsense in order to justify your own knee-jerk reaction to a word that may or may not have been meant in the way you and a few others have clearly taken it.

    Free Member

    Surely it’s only a concern for the two parties involved

    So what’s it got to do with you what I think about the word the OP used? Can’t you see the glaring hypocrisy in your argument there?

    You are doing nothing but ‘getting offended on the OP’s behalf’ (by your definition).

    Free Member

    You’re really behaving quite bizarrely

    I’m taking offence. Or is that only allowed when done one someone else’s behalf?

    So what’s it got to do with you what I think about the word the OP used?

    Well, you raised it as a discussion point on a forum. We’d all have been (blissfully) unaware of your kneejerk otherwise.

    Free Member

    Can’t you see the glaring hypocrisy in your argument there?

    Back atcha, dude…

    Edit : …and no, I’m not offended in the slightest, merely trying to highlight yours and a few others attitude to a simple word taken out of context..

    Free Member

    Well, you raised it as a discussion point on a forum.

    But isn’t discussion/criticism of other people’s opinions/statements simply whiny hand-wringing (according to you)?

    I’m taking offence. Or is that only allowed when done one someone else’s behalf?

    I’m sure you think you’re making a really clever point somehow but if so it’s gone way over my head. You just sound a bit unhinged to me.


    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’m offended by the fact that certain buffoons on here get offended so easily, & not just on this thread either.
    So for future reference, if I offend anyone by anything I state, infer or publish, TOUGH S**T.

    Free Member

    You just sound a bit unhinged to me.


    Excellent – the argument is lost when you resort to ad hominem, then flounce. Try not to get offended by anything on the way to bed.

    Free Member

    Not really a flounce I just CBA continuing when you keep repeating the same spurious assertions I’ve already refuted, and not answering any of my questions – it just becomes pointless.

    If you really wanted to debate the issues I’d be up or it, but you just seem to want to score internet points (in a fairly bizarre way).

    I notice that yet again you don’t bother replying to the actual question.

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