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  • UK Government Thread
  • dazh
    Full Member

    I just think there are better ways of plugging this alleged £22bn black hole.

    The problem is they’ve put themselves in a straitjacket by promising to ‘reduce’ debt and live within their means. A labour govt is primarily elected by the voters to spend money on things which the tories won’t. Stuff like hospitals, schools, roads, railways, public sector wages and more generous benefits. The reason labour are tanking at the polls is because the electorate have figured out that they might as well have elected the real tories rather than the fake ones.

    If labout want to be re-elected in 4 years they need to forget about ‘balancing the books’ and start spending money. It’s classic Keynesian stuff even without any MMT-related arguments.

    Full Member

    The problem is they’ve put themselves in a straitjacket by promising to ‘reduce’ debt and live within their means.

    Same as every chancellor has promised since forever. I’ll bet that Reeves reducing the ‘bung’ that the BoE is paying out 5% interest on bank reserves of 700bn – saves 35bn and will announce it at Budget and no one but the commercial banks will pay attention to it at all. Why is Reeves playing it like she is? To my mind you just need take a look at how things went for Truss/Kwarteng’s mini-budget when they didn’t do  the ground-work at all.

    Full Member

    How’d you leap to that conclusion?

    Because you categorize the term ‘revolt’ used by the Independent as ‘hyperbole’, despite the fact that it is a perfectly reasonable term to use in a political context and you obviously would have no problem at all if it was used to describe developments in a Tory Cabinet.

    And no, the Independent does not sell newspapers by misinforming their readers concerning the severity of a Labour Cabinet crisis. In fact I would say the complete opposite is true, ie, their readers will expect a fair assessment from the Independent, unlike Tory leaning newspapers

    Full Member

    despite the fact that it is a perfectly reasonable term to use

    But only in newspapers, It’s also says that Reeves is “scrambling” to find cuts and tax raises of £40m. It’s how newspapers speak. Take it at face value if you want, but really it’s there for a purpose, and it ain’t to aid clarity to a story.

    Full Member


    That is why some of us wanted Labour to be a lot more ambitious and progressive – not only because we feel that is better for society but also for future chances of winning elections based on the fact they actually improved things noticeably.

    I agree with all that. I voted for Corbyn twice but even whilst putting that “X” in the box, I left the booth both times knowing it was a lost cause. It was crushing.

    For reasons I don’t agree with or totally understand, the country wasn’t ready to have Corbyn as PM.

    I wish it wasn’t so but we all live in the reality of the day and like it or not, the UK definitely was ready for Starmer to be PM. Now, as much as I try I can’t see Starmer’s GE victory as a bad thing. I don’t and wont agree with all his policies, the same with Corbyn’s  had history differed. However, fundamentally, we now have a government that will try to improve the country’s fortunes even if we might not agree with how it tries to do it at times.

    So, yeah, some might easily forget the constant culture war and turmoil of the Tories but I’m not one of them.

    Full Member

    For reasons I don’t agree with or totally understand, the country wasn’t ready to have Corbyn as PM.

    On the contrary, in 2017 labour won 40% of the vote which is 6% higher than Starmer and on a par with Blair. The country seemed quite comfortable with Corbyn as PM, it was Labour MPs who didn’t want him.

    Full Member

    On the contrary, in 2017 labour won 40% of the vote which is 6% higher than Starmer and on a par with Blair. The country seemed quite comfortable with Corbyn as PM, it was Labour MPs who didn’t want him.

    We can go round and round on this but it always ends the same way, Corbyn lost. Labour lost. The country also lost imo. We can lay the blame at our election system, the RW press, murky invested interests, it really doesn’t matter.

    After both GE’s I woke up to another Tory government, that’s the reality and it’s an irrefutable fact of history. I’m not happy about it either but it’s what happened. Twice.

    Full Member

    We can go round and round on this but it always ends the same way, Corbyn lost. Labour lost.

    It wasn’t you that brought up Corbyn? Btw the Tories also lost the 2017 general election, no party won that election, just for clarity.

    Full Member

    It wasn’t you that brought up Corbyn? Btw the Tories also lost the 2017 general election, no party won that election, just for clarity.

    It’s at this point that I enact the Honourable Flounce Protocol™ for my and other posters sanity.

    Some will agree with my posts, some wont but either outcome is fine with me.

    I shall return! ;-)

    Full Member

    It was actually a serious question……was it not you who brought up Corbyn? If so I don’t understand the whinge about ‘going round and round and it always ends the same way ‘.

    If it wasn’t you my apologies, if it was then perhaps don’t mention him, if you believe that it is pointless?

    Full Member

    We can go round and round on this but it always ends the same way, Corbyn lost. Labour lost

    But your point was that the country wasn’t ready for Corbyn. He won more votes than Starmer did irrespective of how many the tories got. Does that mean the country was less ready for Starmer than they were for Corbyn? The number of votes would seem to suggest that.

    I’ll bet that Reeves reducing the ‘bung’ that the BoE is paying out 5% interest on bank reserves of 700bn – saves 35bn and will announce it at Budget

    That would be very welcome. The irony of pinching one of the main economic policies of the Reform party is not lost however.

    Free Member

    Even if the country wasn’t ready for Corbyn a lot of people were ready for what he and shadow chancellor were proposing where in 2017 they did well in the election even with Corbyn as leader. What if Starmer was there instead of Corbyn, would they have scraped a win? Who knows and probably mostly who cares as it was 7 years ago.

    Full Member

    What the country definitely isn’t ready for is more austerity.

    Which is presumably why Rachel Reeves is so keen to claim that her austerity isn’t austerity at all.

    Although all the signs are that voters are not really falling for that remarkable claim. Voters don’t appear to be quite as stupid as Tories and centrists like to think they are.

    Full Member

     The irony of pinching one of the main economic policies of the Reform party is not lost however.

    I’ve read their policies on the “contract with you” page of their website, a surprising number of things they suggest are not completely barking; not least this bit of financial jiggery-pokery.

    roli case
    Free Member

    The Lord Ashcroft analysis showed Corbyn was streets ahead among the under 50’s and it was only the over 75’s or something that swung it towards the tories.

    Not that the over 75 vote is worth any less, but still I think it’s interesting to reflect on the fact that those with the biggest stake in the economy at that time, ie the under 60’s, were happy to elect Corbyn on the whole, despite the huge campaign by the right wing media to characterise his politics as being economically suboptimal.

    Full Member

    Which is presumably why Rachel Reeves is so keen to claim that her austerity isn’t austerity at all.

    Every political party in the western hemisphere tries to balance departmental (day to day) spending with tax revenues. Austerity is when you spend less than the taxes you gather. That our economy is now smaller by a considerable margin than it was (taking a year completely at random) than say 2016 for example; probably shouldn’t be something that gets laid specifically at Reeves or this Labour administration.

    Full Member

    Not that the over 75 vote is worth any less

    It should be. The best voting reform we could ever make is to remove the vote from pensioners.

    Full Member

    Like Logan’s Run?

    Full Member

    Like Logan’s Run?


    I’m talking about rebalancing the voting power of generations in favour of the young who have a higher stake in the future, not killing people off to save resources.

    Full Member

    tbf rebalancing the voting power of generations is an equally stupid suggestion as killing off the over 40’s. Maybe disenfranchise women as they stay at home and don’t work so have less of a stake in the future, or those without degrees – they’re not going to earn as much and are a bit thick so won’t have any real stake in the future either

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