Home Forums Bike Forum UK ‘good rides’ list

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  • UK ‘good rides’ list
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    Full Member

    Lots of people mentioning places to go or specific rides that they wanted to do on another thread got me thinking of compiling a UK ‘good rides’ list. I (and hopefully others on here) could plan to tick them off over the coming years.

    To keep it simple and easy to use as a reference, any rides listed should be specific rather than a general area (e.g Cutgate, not the Peak District). It can include natural trails, trail centres and bike parks and anything else people think is worth riding. Also, please add one of the following numbers to the ride listed:

    1 – genuinely class and worth travelling to from afar

    2 – decent and worth doing but only if you’re in the area.

    So, using my own system as an example for places I’ve ridden recently.

    Cutgate 1
    Bike Park Wales 1
    Dalby Forest 2
    Leeds Urban Bike Park 2

    Please post up your recommendations! Comments on ride length, ease, helpful tips, gpxs etc all welcomed.

    Free Member

    Your mum 1

    Full Member

    I think this is what the archive of rides is that already exists here https://singletrackworld.com/category/classic-ride/

    Full Member

    Your mum 1

    Louise 2

    Full Member

    Pah, my mum is 72 and about 17 stones, so no one is going to listen to your ride advice. :)

    Full Member

    Too many to mention but here’s a few off the top of my head that I’ve ridden in the last 12 months.


    • John Muir Way
    • Pilgrim Way
    • Aberfoyle Loch Katrine Loop
    • Kielder (125km Dirty Reiver loop is the perfect length IMO).


    • Cairngorm loop (inner for more hike a bike and outer loop for a bit more easier riding).
    • Devil’s Staircase (both ways) and the Ciaran path.
    • Gypsy glen loop from Peebles.
    • Glentress
    • Innerleithen (Golfie and Traquair)
    • Dunkeld

    As for destinations to use as a base, I’d say:

    • Tweed Valley
    • Lake district
    • Cairngorms
    • Ballater/Braemar
    • Dunkeld
    • Fort William
    Full Member

    I’m putting ‘in the area’ as within an hour driving of the location.

    Cutgate 1

    Forest of Dean 1

    Hamsterley Forest 2

    Cannock Chase & Stile Cop 2

    Free Member

    Road To Hell long climb (Denbigh to Llyn Brenig) 1

    Prestatyn to Gwaenysgor climb 1

    Full Member

    Needs a third category;

    3 – Not if it was the last ride on earth

    Cannock Chase – 3

    Free Member

    Swinley – 3

    Full Member

    Cut gate 3 , swinley 3 Surrey hills 1, cheeky peaks 1, Inners 1, bpw 2,

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Your mum 1

    Made me chuckle :  )

    1 Torridon

    Fort William. The uplift and more natural stuff



    The peaks white+ dark

    Mid Wales

    North Wales

    South Wales

    The lakes

    Glentress- still love the black run

    South downs

    All that is a list of where I’ve ridden and would love to go back to of I had a sudden weekend to myself and could just piss off on a Friday. With two wee ones every trip is a negotiation

    Full Member

    2 – Sherwood Pines Red – for the most part gravel bike friendly as well.

    2 – Stainburn – off-piste and marked

    1 – High Street Ullswater – must be 10 years since I did that loop but it was good.

    1 – Gunnerside Gill – or various surrounding routes in Swaledale.

    Full Member

    blimey, 12 posts and trails round the back of Swindon Nationwide not even getting a mention? These other rides must be incredible.

    Full Member

    Never mention behind the nationwide in Swindon. Too many know already ? ?

    Full Member

    Fluffy Kittens – 2

    This is going to be an incredibly useful resource…

    Full Member

    Pah, my mum is 72 and about 17 stones, so no one is going to listen to your ride advice

    Pics or we don’t believe you

    Full Member

    I love seeing Cut Gate pop up on these things.  Makes all the effort we put into getting the slabs done worthwhile

    Full Member

    I went over Cut Gate last week, it’s a good ride for what it is IMO.

    Slabs have been sensibly placed and blend in well with the existing trail.

    Full Member

    I went over Cut Gate last week, it’s a good ride for what it is IMO.

    Does it get a 1 or a 2 though? I think the point of this thread is to keep things as objective as possible?

    Full Member

    I only discuss number 1s and number 2s with my GP, sorry.

    Free Member

    Cut Gate isn’t a 1. Fair enough, it’s streets ahead of other Peak routes, but you’d be mad to travel there from the northern half of the country in preference to the stuff you pass on the way.

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