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  • UFC Content – Did Aldo Take a Dive?
  • BadlyWiredDog
    Full Member

    I always admit when I’m wrong and never talk shit as you put it.

    To be fair though, you’ve never actually been wrong. More charitably, perhaps you’ve been tarnished by association with the STW Scottish Troll Factory which has been rolling out pedigree trolls for years now, with constantly upgraded models launched regularly as the originals are made obsolete by moderator action. 😉

    Free Member

    But to hound him for so long about it threatening to expose him and email strangers details of the thread is sick and you should be ashamed. What is so wrong with your own lives that trying to put others further down into a hole makes you feel good about yourself?

    This is nothing short of online bullying.

    you do realise he ha sbeen serially banned for trolling in here dontyou

    this probably his 8 th incarnation since the hack

    TBH if you believe what he says and think we are bullying – most of us are just taking the piss as everyone knows what he is saying is not true at all- then do you realise gullible is not in the dictionary*

    Its clearly utterly preposterous – i am not sure how the great one could make it more farcical tbh but the thread does keep giving

    * Assume everything written on here is a piss take between mates and not meant with malice – the onion rule

    Free Member

    WML is Glupton?

    this thread makes more sense now.

    Free Member

    Have you ever been banned Junkyard? Because you certainly should have been on the receiving end of many lengthy bans.

    Free Member

    most of us are just taking the piss as everyone knows what he is saying is not true at all-

    SO it’s just “banter” then? 🙂

    Free Member

    km79 – Member

    I find this thread quite disturbing and I am surprised it hasn’t been closed down yet.

    I’m disturbed that you’re disturbed. I have a different perspective to Yunki and Kenny Senior in that I think disrespecting a world renowned fighter who was brutally knocked out is a tasteless, cowardly and conceited act. If a soccer team lose a game or a cyclist loses a race they aren’t physically beaten, emasculated, humiliated. That’s why (most) people respect fighters even if you don’t agree with what they do – most people don’t have the balls to put themselves in harms way for our entertainment.


    A lot do not believe wanmankylungs claims which you are perfectly entitled to do. But to hound him for so long about it threatening to expose him and email strangers details of the thread is sick and you should be ashamed.

    No one believes his claims because they are absurd. He could have stopped at any point and yet he kept digging. Hiding behind his online anonymity to disparage and insult people he would be terrified of in real life. Martial Arts schools are generally welcoming and open environments and encourage people in. In most cities around the world there will be inter club/inter style sparring events and respect. This eliminates the kind of shit talking WML is engaging in. If he is part of a club, he should be kicked out as he’s a disgrace to it.

    km79 – Member

    What is so wrong with your own lives that trying to put others further down into a hole makes you feel good about yourself?

    This is nothing short of online bullying.

    I try to have a moral compass and when I see bullshit call it out. I don’t believe there is anything wrong with that. The person engaging in the bullying is the one who started the thread. Unless you can provide evidence that he is a child, or in some way mentally sub-normal then I don’t see a problem. Telling a grown man he is wrong when he is wrong has suddenly become taboo?

    Free Member

    I try to have a moral compass and when I see bullshit call it out. I don’t believe there is anything wrong with that. The person engaging in the bullying is the one who started the thread.

    I think there’s a lot of magnetic interference going on with your compass.

    If you’re calling bullshit prove the bullshit or shut up.

    Free Member


    If you’re calling bullshit prove the bullshit or shut up.

    And the name of your club is?

    Free Member

    You’ve been given all the information you need to find the name of the club.

    Free Member

    wanmankylung – Member

    You’ve been given all the information you need to find the name of the club.

    So I’m calling you a liar and bullshit artist. Cowardly too 😉

    Full Member

    Now now boys. Theres only one way to sort this….

    marquess of queensberry rules

    Free Member

    wanmankylung – Member
    You’ve been given all the information you need to find the name of the club.

    Not at all.

    By your own admission that are lots of TKD clubs in Edinburgh.

    There are also hundreds of “World Titles” and numerous “World Championships”, so to find a club that doesn’t have some titles seems impossible.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    binners – Member

    Now now boys. Theres only one way to sort this….

    We could fix the fight. A brutal KO followed by hammer fists in the face while unconscious sound good?

    Free Member

    We could fix the fight. A brutal KO followed by hammer fists in the face while unconscious sound good?

    How about you come and watch the people from my club at next years world championships Barclaycard Arena July 16th and 17th. I’ll even wangle an entry for you into my class. If you let me know your weight i’ll change weight and hopefully we’ll get drawn together to fight.

    Free Member

    i think there’s only one way to sort this.

    who on here fights MMA? lets pick the best one, and organise two fights between them and WMLs best TKD fighter.

    1 MMA fight

    1 TKD fight.

    i imagine it will end up 1-1, so why don’t we leave it there?

    Free Member

    How about you come and watch the people from my club at next years world championships Barclaycard Arena July 16th and 17th. I’ll even wangle an entry for you into my class. If you let me know your weight i’ll change weight and hopefully we’ll get drawn together to fight.

    Full Member

    Is it this one?

    Or this one?

    Or this one?

    Or one of these (please give me a clue though)?

    ps. This is my Thread Of The Year

    Free Member


    Full Member

    I win at Google. I have found it. There is even a pic on Facebook with WML helpfully tagged.

    Full Member

    What, none of those, not even any on the UKTC link?

    At least give us the postcode…

    Free Member

    Good lord WM you are really starting to sound like a schoolboy, I had quick look btw is your club a member of TAGB? if so it would seem to narrow things down a bit. Oh and i dont believe this is bullying BTW although I’ve seen it here in the past I’d say WM knows what he’s doing.

    Free Member

    Deleted because I can’t be arsed.

    Full Member

    “These aren’t the clubs you’re looking for”

    Free Member

    “No elitism here. I just train with a good club.. Edinburgh had upwards of 40 TKD clubs. There are well over 300 martial arts and boxing clubs. It is an absolute hotbed for producing talented fighters. Seeing as you want to do your own research I’ll leave it to you to find out. All the information is in the thread to allow you to do so. Hint, it’s TKD, and it’s based in Edinburgh”.
    I love a challenge so had a look at the TAGB website to see the members in Edinburgh, there appear to be only 5 (if im being generous 7) TAGB clubs registered. Now i know you said “had” so i suppose the numbers could have dropped but if its a hotbed as you suggest I’m surprised at that or is it a case of amalgamation?. I can definitely work out which is the “master” one and possibly the other two but i can see anything relating to a kind of super club or is that just for competition purposes?. My real question is am I getting warmer? it’s a big game of cludo!

    Free Member

    For what purpose are you doing this?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Well you kind of set up the challenge of giving us some detail then said do your own research so i kind of thought we were trying to work out what club you were a member of. I’m guessing you don’t want to say then? well that spoils it but hey ho I’ll have to give up 🙁

    Free Member

    Righteo. Seeing as the mods have ignored a number of requests to close the thread, and in light of the obvious personal insults and internet bullying, there is only one thing left to do and that is call you all a shower of ****, tell you to **** off and hope that you die a slow horrible and painful death – knowing full well that it will get me a lifetime ban. Calling the mods **** usually does it. So, to some of the mods – stop being a shower of ****. (The good ones know who they are).

    Some of you really are nasty pieces of work and should be ashamed of yourselves.

    I have no doubt that this will be taken as a flounce – others might call it a reaction to bullying – I do not care.


    Full Member


    (Is that against forum etiquette/ rules?)

    Free Member

    Emailed your club. You should be ashamed.

    Free Member

    Veedubba – No.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    EDIT: forget what i just said you clearly still want an argument.

    Full Member

    (Is that against forum etiquette/ rules?)

    Personally I did not post the name as it looks like a nice bunch of people & I didn’t see the point of dragging them into it.

    Free Member

    marcus – it certainly did **** not come across that way. You should be **** ashamed of yourself.

    Full Member

    Tisn’t them apparently. Can delete the post anyway I think.

    Free Member

    Jimjam – you’re a **** disgrace of a person.

    Full Member

    Thread of the year by far.

    Simply amazing.

    Free Member

    And you’re a **** **** too.

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