I hate ruts! Any why do they all have some strange powers of magnetic attraction that draws you into them?
TJ, impressed you’ve got the hang of lifting the front wheel, that’s one trick we’ve still not mastered. We resort to brute force, ignorance, and the lord Marzocchi to get us through.
I always find my arms are much more tired after a tandem ride than a solo ride and it hadn’t dawned on me why that was. It is different steering.
SSS, one problem with techy uphills is that on a solo you know exactly where yr back wheel is, when to put the power on and when to unweight it, eg over slippy roots. Doing the same on a tandem is far trickier.
We ran an normal QR front wheel for nearly 10 years until changing to bolt-through 18 months ago. Huge improvement.
Just a thought, I know TJ is in Edinburgh, and we’re west of Glasgow. Where is everyone else? How about a gathering at Glentress sometime to share techniques? And cake, obviously!