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  • TV / PVR advice for my Dad
  • theotherjonv
    Free Member

    Pls keep it clean so I can show it to him!

    He’s after a new TV, which will be a flat screen LCD type most likely. His signal comes in via freeview and he has a set top box and old CRT TV currently.

    He’d also like to be able to pause and rewind live tv, and record programs for future viewing having recently been introduced to this when at ours watching our V+ system, but isn’t going to get cable or Sky for the privilege.

    If he just wanted a TV, then they all come with the Freeview decoders built in now don’t they? Do any come with Freeview AND PVR functionality, or does he need to buy a PVR (Freeview+) box as well.

    Free Member

    I dont know if any come with Freview+ built in but even if they did I’d prefer a separate box. They’re just computers and stuff does go wrong / outdated etc.

    As a recommendation I love our Humax (9200 I think) and you can buy them refurbed directly from Humax for a good discount. The user interface may not be totally perfect but ours gets regular software updates and is really well supported. You can also get a HD version now AFAIK (for when HD starts on freeview in your area).

    Oh – and check that the connection will suit his new TV (eg scart)

    Edit – We got ours on the basis of a Which grouptest and it was the clear winner

    Free Member

    Can’t tell you the current model, but the Humax that I got for my parents a few years ago has been both faultless and parent-proof. 😉

    Free Member

    Another vote for Humax being parent proof – have yet to recieve a ‘support call’ from them, unlike their previous one where they’ dbe on the phone with a ‘quick question’ seemeingly every other week.

    Just got the Humax Freeview HD+ box and that has proved to be similarly impressive so far….

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