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  • Turds in bags!!!
  • uwe-r
    Free Member

    A quick pros and cons of dogs.

    Pros: None for me ( I accept this is highly subjective and comes down to personal preferences).

    Cons: They do turds and those turds are your problem that you need to deal with (this is not subjective).

    Full Member

    Cons: They do turds and those turds are your problem that you need to deal with (this is not subjective).

    I’d rather pick up a million dog turds than clean one baby’s nappy.

    Then again I detest children and can’t understand why anyone would want to have one.

    Full Member

    ah sod it….all I’m trying to do is embed the sodding youtube video.
    curse you internet


    Free Member

    I’ve come across this, and never understood it.

    My policy is that if my dog has a dump in the road/pavement/park then I clear it up. In a bag, in a bin. If I have to carry it for a bit, well, that’s the way it goes.

    In the woods, however, it’s different. I make sure they don’t foul the paths or anywhere close to them, but otherwise I don’t see the problem. I don’t bag it up, though I do cover it with soil.

    Full Member

    A turd in a bag makes a perfect inexpensive hand warmer on cold winter mornings.

    Free Member

    Perhaps when you next see a doggy package, you take it to the nearest unoccupied car, (as they can then redilver/recycle it to the nearest bin), and either hang it on the aerial, or place on the heater intake vent on the bonnet, sometimes the quality of the bag is such it accidently bursts while youre doing this, due to lack of gloves, its best not to use bare hands to try and get it assembled back in the bag, the car owner wouldnt want you making a mess smearing it on their car, and may mis understand your good wishes as just making a mess.

    Free Member

    What the Reg No of your car project?

    Now I know you’d be happy to collect dog turds on it…

    Free Member

    I dont have a dog, so dont need to recycle, but dog owners can and should.

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