Home Forums Bike Forum Turbo trainer wanted recomend please

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  • Turbo trainer wanted recomend please
  • trickyhill
    Free Member

    In need of a decent turbo trainer £100-£130 ish can you recomend me one please. must be ultra quiet too!!


    Free Member

    If you’re interested I’m selling a Cycleops fluid 2 with front wheel block and trainer tyre for £110. I don’t know how quiet it is as I don’t have anything to compare it to, but it’s a fluid one, so it should be relatively quiet. In Manchester area.

    Free Member

    Hi, thanks for the offer but I was hoping to get a magnetic trainer, initially looking at Tax satori or Elite cronomag elastogel, can anyone suggest which would be the better buy, Tax one is a bit more but comes with bag front wheel block and sweat guard. Elite looks very good value though Help Help Help!!!!!


    Free Member

    None of them will be that quiet, the only noise from my tacx is from the drivetrain of the bike and the tyre noise, and thats still enough to reverberate around the flat like I’m hoovering (sounds quiet at low revs but 80+ and its getting loud).

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