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  • Triple Black Diamond ‘Helfare Highway’ comes to Caersws Bike Park
  • stwhannah
    Full Member

    Here’s a track that I have zero plans of ever riding (I’m realistic in my skills goals), but I’m glad it exists (although also slightly glad it’s far …

    By stwhannah

    Get the full story here:

    Triple Black Diamond ‘Helfare Highway’ comes to Caersws Bike Park

    Full Member

    Like you I too will never ride this but hopefully loads of people will and the bike park and the local area will benefit from all this will bring.

    Full Member

    That’s a bit much.

    Full Member

    It is awesome but tbf Caersws looks to me like they could do with rounding out their tracks and providing more options for more people (and improving their website and videos and all that side of things, rather than building a pro level track that hardly anyone can ride? Or maybe it’s worth it to have a sort of hero product to separate them out from the competition?

    I guess it depends on how many people they actually want and need to get through the doors, in the end

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