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  • Train prices again!
  • wrightyson
    Free Member

    Why is Birmingham to London so much cheaper than derby to London! Midland “mainline” my arse!!!

    Free Member

    Because although Derby used to be one of the rail centres, it’s not anymore and is little more than a glorified branch line?

    Brum to the smoke is west coast main Li.e all the way so I’m guessing longer trains = more capacity = cheaper prices. I’d guess a load quicker too?

    Train prices are fubar.

    Full Member

    Book in advance. Just got me and the missu tickets to Edinburgh and back first class for £70.

    Free Member

    No sameish amount of time. Train leaves derby every 30 mins to London even on a Saturday. Only stops at Leicester on the hour journeys so its quick. Suppose its just a case of Virgin versus East Midlands trains.
    And I am looking well in advance. Two adults return sat out sun return is possible for 30 quid total from brum. Same day is nearer 80 from derby.

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