Disappointing pic but at least i was awake for the eclipse and i got to ride my bike up the hill and arse a hip flask of whisky 😀
Things to note for next time….learn how to use a camera properly rather than just stick it on scene mode – dark night scenery and get a better tripod as the one i was using was very notchy in use so it made it hard to frame the moon. Take a chair bivvy bag/sleeping bag, and sod the hip flask take the bottle and a stove/bad-boy pot noodle for company. And finally take a head torch with red light so i can operate the remote camera function on my iPhone.
Other than that it was a mini adventure (™ alastair humphreys) for a monday morning – good fun!, i expect i’ll take the morning off work and roll in sometime after lunch…..it’s the sensible option as I’ve just poured myself another whisky….hic!………..