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  • Today's moral question
  • Harry_the_Spider
    Full Member

    A friend of a colleague went to a fancy dress party dressed as an Islamic terrorist. Pictures were placed on Facebook (which have since been removed) and somebody at his work saw them. The chap in question works for the local authority and comes into contact on a daily basis with members of the Muslim community. His employers have just given him a verbal warning. Should they be able to do this?


    I have some Hob Nobs.

    Free Member

    Was it a "works" party?

    Full Member

    they can actually view facebook at work?

    Free Member

    Was it a work fancy dress? Was it a work Facebook account?

    If no to both the above I would say no, it has nothing to do with them at all.

    Free Member

    And he should point out that members of the royal family can dress as Nazis without repurcussions (other than from rag newspapers).

    Full Member

    What marked the terrorist costume as being Islamic?
    No, they shouldn't be able to do this. Ask for their evidence.

    Anyone who goes to a bonfire party and comes into contact with Catholics should be warned, if one were to be consistent.

    Full Member

    This is a minefield. If pictures of him were on Facebook, then they could well be considered in the public view and, if his employer has a policy, or rules in it's contract, saying that he should be sensitive to ethnic minorities etc, then I would say they might be justified.

    A verbal warning sounds like he got off lightly. If they pushed for something like misconduct, he could have had written or a sacking.

    Free Member

    Chocolate Hob Nobs?

    Free Member

    What's the problem?

    And why is your name not G?

    Free Member

    Is your colleague's friend Prince Harry?

    (At a previous party).

    Full Member

    Personally, I'd say his employers are on shaky ground. He was at a bloody party FFS, not a Klan meeting! PC nonsense yet again if you ask me!

    Full Member

    1) It wasn't a works party.
    2) He was obviously dressed as an Islamic terrorist.
    3) Chocolate Hob Nobs

    Free Member

    In the curent PC 'Nanny State' we live, he should've thought about potential repercussions and sensitivities to others. He's lucky to get away with a verbal.

    However, anyone who get's their knickers in a twist over a fancy dress party that was not related to the workplace really does need a reality check.

    Do we no longer have vicars 'n' tarts parties for fear of ridiculing religion? What's November the 5th if it isn't 'anti-establishment' and religion?

    Ban Facebook – it really is such a dangerous place for so many reasons.

    Free Member

    Is there anything in your mates contract / terms of employment about brining the service in to disrepute?
    If so pretty straight forward – If not that as a public servant (as working for the local authority) then really he should of known better given the amount of diversity training that goes on
    Employers are increasingly checking out social networking sites to see what employee get up to, and as this is usually in the public domain then they are able to do this

    Free Member

    PS – pass the hob-nobs and send out for some Jaffa cakes!

    Full Member

    He's not a mate, I don't know him.

    I work with one of his mates who was deleting the images this morning prior to the lad's hearing at work.

    Hob Nobs all gone.

    Full Member

    Well given I can loose my registration for none professional behaviour outside of work as proof, then you'll find they can warn him on grounds of professional conduct.

    Free Member

    Well troll off then, man goes to a party with a leek on his head saying he's a welshman. Nothing is said because you can be as racialist as you want when you take the piss of those that don't go round killing people. Bit like taking mickey out of a Christian, it so brave cos they aint going to fly a plane into your office. Put on some baggy clothes and a beard and everyone kacks themselves. If we use humour as a weapon against Nazi/facists then why not the narrow mined nutters that kill people at the extremes of Islam. Or are you afraid of them? Yes? They win.

    Prefer choclate digestives myself.

    Free Member

    What is actually WRONG with dressing as a terrorist? So he had a tea-towel on his head, a false beard and a plastic gun. But what has he actually done that is wrong.

    For example, had he gone as an IRA terrorist, would there be a similar backlash or is it just another crazy mixed-up PC-mad LA covering their own arses in the fear that he might have somehow offended someone.

    EDIT: MT covered some of what I was trying to say too 🙂

    Free Member

    not very PC, i wouldnt be impressed if i was at a party with anyone dressed as a terrorist, nazi, catholic priest with a baby taped to thier crotch (saw it once at uni fancy dress)
    it wouldnt offend me personally, but i think it would be in bad taste, and not very funny, so it wouldnt make me snigger either.
    It comes across as "look at how unpc i can be"

    on the flipside, i think they should keep thier beaks out.

    Free Member

    So, in this PC-mad-for-it world, what can we go to fancy dress parties as?

    Vicars – OUT
    Nuns – OUT
    Terrorists – OUT
    Naughty schoolgirls – OUT
    Nazis – OUT

    So the next fancy dress party I go to, there will be 50% Supermen and 50% Wonderwomen.

    Free Member

    Seconded mt's comments above.

    Any chance of a chocolate coated Bath Oliver?

    Free Member

    diversity training

    I daren't even Google that to find out what it amounts to

    Free Member

    Don't Superman and Wonderwoman descriminate against the 'less abled' members of our society?

    Put on a flat cap and take a whippet – by all accounts, they don't count. 😉

    Free Member

    So the next fancy dress party I go to, there will be 50% Supermen and 50% Wonderwomen.

    I think statistically, it's more likely to be a 49/51 split 😀

    Free Member


    So 'AverageAbilitiedPerson'.

    Which is still discriminatory to those of less than average ability.

    Full Member

    What about Batman? Catwoman?

    Free Member

    In fact 'AverageAbilitiedPerson' could be a character from That Mitchell and Webb Look couldn't s/he?

    Free Member

    willard – Member
    What about Batman? Catwoman?


    Free Member

    You'll have the RSPCA on your case for causing stress to other animal species…. Still, the animal psychologists will appreciate the extra work.

    Free Member

    going to a fancy dress party as an Islamic terrorist while un-wise and possibly offence to some (me included) I don’t think that the real issues – that is the fact that they were posted on facebook / interweb and as such the public domain

    as Drac said I could loose my right to practice & therefore loose my job for brining the profession into disrepute – this clause make no concession as to been in work or not

    Free Member

    My attitude to this depends on what you mean by this: The chap in question works for the local authority and comes into contact on a daily basis with members of the Muslim community.

    Is he (a)the Muslim Liason and Please Don't Kill Us Officer leading an outreach and harmonisation task force to seek paths for cultural awareness and respect among our diverse cultures, or is he (b)just a bloke doing a job, some of whose customers happen to be muslims?

    If (a), then he's an idiot and should know better than to risk losing his silly job by doing something so daft. If (b), then I rather take the view that mt and others have taken.

    Free Member

    I am interested to know how the character was made to be clearly Islamic and not just a terrorist with a penchant for hessian clothes and of a scruffy/unkempt appearance.

    Was he carrying a copy of the Koran?

    Full Member

    Was he carrying a copy of the Koran?


    Free Member

    Did he make a home movie before going to the party?

    Free Member

    You are joking? Daft t**t. Not for being thoroughly un-PC, but simply because he is most likely to actually have an Islamic Terrorist come around and do something nasty to him for besmirching the Koran.


    Full Member

    I went to a bad taste fancy dress party as Stephen Hawking complete with wheelchair and a tomy speak and spell for conversational duties

    Free Member

    For a troll this has been pretty funny, would loved to have seen the chap dressed as a priest with the baby stapped to his tackle, very topical at present. LOL at that.

    Olly – "not very PC" Lord protect from the users of that phrase (thats the Lord of your choice).

    Free Member

    You should be allowed to dress as you please. For a free country it's not very free……..

    Now where's my balaclava?

    (terrific troll btw!)

    Free Member

    Well in the North East the current fashion is for girls to go out as "cowgirl" showing off their "cheeks" (not the ones on the face) and I kid you not. So that must be bloody offensive to all the cowboys … she needs spanking on the cheeks.


    P/s: Go as John Rambo …

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