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  • Tis cold out there tonight
  • handyman
    Free Member

    Went for a quick road ride tonight, slightly foggy and frosty when i arrived home and got indoors, my jacket and leggings had ice all over the folds, anyone else out riding tonght?

    Full Member

    Yup – night ride from the house, just out for an hour or so though. Was barely below freezing here, and been above freezing all day but not by much.

    So that lose-lose scenario of wet sheet ice and slushy mud. Still a giggle though.

    Full Member

    +3 positively balmy night here compared to recent temps

    Full Member

    Aye but it was a grand clear moonlight night ride around Mabie tonight 🙂 Even managed a section with the lights off and riding by moonlight alone. 🙂

    Free Member

    cold out in the garage cleaning bikes ready for the weekend.

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